Brought to you by "Underground Devils": This map is best for "4 Team - Multi Team" matches, and makes it almost impossible for players to camp for more than 5 seconds. There are many ways to die here, from being shot all the way to a BANSHIE SHREDDER causing utter chaos throughout the arena. So if you up for a new type of variable within your matches, look no farther. This map will take you deep within your own nightmares. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Pictures of Map: This is the arena. Within this field there are four bases (Red, Blue, Green, Orange), each with a teleporter that warps the player to that base's power weapon/sniping tower. Don't get too comfy up there though, as this map has been made to eliminate camping in it's entirety. As you can see here, the arena is out in the middle of nowhere, making even the best jet-pack user unable to reach another part of forgeworld. Though, for the sake of unseen variables, soft kill boundaries have been placed along the outside of each wall. Camping up in the sniping towers is easily defeated by the use of a two way teleporter that has to be used to get both up and down. So don't camp for too long, or you may just find your assassinated corpse falling from the sky. Along the north and south walls are small safe zones, that will protect you from the falling Banshie parts, as well as give you access to the DMR and Shotgun. To keep people from camping there though, I have left these areas open on two opposite sides. In the middle of the map is a small hut that houses an energy sword. It's usefulness is up for you to decide. And for all of you who enjoy having at least one type of useable vehicle in your maps. There are two Mongeese ready for use. One is placed on both the eastern and western side turret bases (turrets only accessible by those with jet-packs, and are still susceptible to snipers and falling Banshie parts. Eliminating the camping factor.) Last, but not least. Even the best hiding spot can be easily found. So campers are quite easy to defeat.
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Rookie nice attempt but it doesn't fit the competitive category unlike casual, minigames, or asthetics which would do a lot more for this map. Competitive is for those who are fighting against each other not survival from falling debris. The fixed weapons are a problem as well for a slayer variant, the players can't pick up dead players weapons. Also the turrents should be more accessiable to other players without jet pack. Other than that go attempt, atleast you tried to eliminate most camping from the banshee shredder leaving the players in attempt to kill each other under cover leaving them with two things to worry about.
I won't deny, there are a few kinks to work out, and I'll continue to do so until the map meets everyone's standards. However, I do have to say that I feel the banshee shredder does make people have to play a little more competitively, as it makes them have to act quickly against the other players, and isn't that what competitive gaming is all about? Anyhow, thanks for the critique.
The idea of this is nice I mean who would think of a slayer game with banshe bits falling down to slow you down.Thats a nice thing.The aesthetics are not great and the use of the grid is definetly not my style but its great for a beginner like you.I think playing a game of flags or bombs would be awesome on this GREAT MAP
Thanks for the kind words! I'm actually still working on this map, so this is really just the prototype. Once the end product is finished I'll re-upload it here. So know that your and everyone else's critiques are being taken seriously, and are determining the modifications + upgrades made to the map.