Hey guys welcome and thanks for viewing my map preview! I have been working on this Orbital remake now for some time and after I balance a few areas and fix minor frame rate issues this will be ready to test. I do have some concerns involving the transfer to reach from halo 3, such as the bubble shield and mailer replacements. If anyone has an opinion on wether i should just make a gametype and use drop shields in place of bubble shields and so on and so forth feel free to discuss in depth. Also, if anyone cares to test just leave your gamertag in a comment below. Anyways thanks for your time now heres the pictures! Here is an overview of blue base (subject to change) This is an area just outside the base (mirrored on red side) Below is red base This picture is of rocket spawn And this one of sniper spawn Thanks again for viewing FEEDBACK APPRECIATED
Orbital was one of my favorite maps in Halo 3 (I'll probably get shot for saying that). This looks like a very well-done remake and I feel like the map should play pretty well in Reach. i don't feel the need to include a custom gametype either. I look forward to playing this during testing or after it is finished.
I love Orbital to Duck, that said i also love the look of this remake. I agree with what Duck said about it playing well, since it is a well balanced map it should have no issues. Can't wait to play or if u need help testing (GT: Lannders) lemme know.
I remember seeing this is awhile back and it was looking to come together quite nicely. I'm looking forward to seeing the final version of this. I have a feeling this will turn out to be a great re-make. Good luck, broski.
You're a horrible, horrible, terrible person. Feel ashamed. OP, it looks like a decent re-make, but why, oh gawd why would you want to re-make... Orbital... It's a terrible map, and I can't help but think it's gonna play 10x worse in Reach.
Well entertain us Mr.Cheesy, why is Orbital such a terrible map in your opinion. I don't want to sound like I'm baiting you into a fight, I am actually wondering what your take is on Orbital. Because if your problem is with weapon placement, then you can go into forge and change it yourself. Lastly, I think it will play just as well in Reach as it did in Halo 3, prior that we can also turn AAs off if we wish. On a personal not, I can't wait to see this map released. I always loved to play One Bomb/One Flag/Infection on this map with family and I hope to recapture that feeling in Reach as well.
Gladly. Orbital can be described in three words, camp rocket spawn. Ta da! The whole map revolved around camping rocket spawn. Plus, geometry was horrendous for smooth 'flow'. Countless times have I and others gotten stuck on little outcrops that simply shouldn't be there. Those damn struts... Also, there's a lot of cover on that map. Which wasn't so bad (but still bad) in Halo 3 considering you could quickly 4-shot 'em with the BR, but in Reach we have a slow, clunky 5-shot DMR. Add in sprint, and you've got a map great for chase! Grenade spam is gonna be a real problem in Reach too considering how cramped it is. Lastly, the spawns were whack. If you like camping, cramped, grenade spam fests than Orbital's great for you! This re-make looks far better than the original, actually. There's less noise and no stupid outcrops.
I really like the style of the map in itself, but I do just want to look at the early version in forge just to see the proportions. Could you please put this map on your file share? Also, only with your permission, I could test this out with some people that aren't on forgehub, maybe stretch the opinions of others beyond forgers.
Thanks for the input Psychoduck, I will probably send this threw the testers guild so maybe you can pick it up for me : ) @ Muffin and Landers consider it noted you guys are on my list Mr Cheesy has some good points rocket spawn OP? it is a focus point in the map but who wants to stay on low ground all the time? there are many other obvious reasons why you would want to capture this area but im just going to skip to grenade spam. I know that grenade bouncing is a usefull tool and can be abused therefore left out alot of grenade locations and manipulated some choke points to further lifespan near these footpaths. On a side note my remake has alot more headroom, the higher ceilings make it feel alot larger than it is. everything else you said is gameplay transfer and speculation ... maybe you could join me sometime and see what you think? anyways thanks for the comment look foreward to your reply [br][/br]Edited by merge: Eightball where have you been all my life? I need you to get your black box fixed already!!! i took your suggestion and its come together a little bit better
I feel like map changes come and go a lot. Nothing wrong with that buddy. Any who, I believe you know what I love and hate. Out of anything, this map brings a form of Orbital that last resort and Avalanche did, improvements and major ones too. Keep the work going, it will pay off.