I like the video, too bad you didn't get any of my awesome falcon sprees in it. This along with a few other maps are sitting in my download queue for when i get back on Xbox. We'll have to host some more BTB customs lobbies when I get back. So what's next Nut? Any other cool maps in the works? I'm serious about trying to make a Stacks-like map that works.
To tell you the truth, I'm retiring from Reach forging. Or maybe not retiring, but at least taking a substantial hiatus. I've been putting way too much time into forging and all the related Halo stuff that goes with it (testing, etc.) so I told myself - and my very tolerant girlfriend - that I would take a break after Hivemind was out. It's out, so I'm on vacation. Unless I have a truly awesome idea for a map, I won't be forging until at least Anniversary comes out, and if its forge elements are as diminished as I suspect they will be, maybe not even then. On the other hand, if you have some genius Stacks-level-2 concepts in mind, I might un-retire myself when you get your box back. Let's keep in touch, yo. I will still be playing some Reach and helping host TGN every week, so I'm far from done with the game. And I'll still be posting here. But Hivemind is my last forge salvo for at least a little while.
You know what my solution is w the gf? Take "me days" lol that's what I do when i want some hours in the peace and quiet of forge world anyways this map has a great layout and I enjoyed the choice of weapons as well. Too bad you'll be taking a break this is some good stuff.
I'm very dissapointed that I can't get a game on this. I like the aesthetics and gameplay seems to be solid. I'll try to get a game going soon and tell you what I think.
So, seeing as we've just featured the map over at THFE, I felt a bump was in order. "Hivemind" - YouTube
Man, good times last summer testing this. Great job on the video Duck, reminds me how much fun this was, even with Naked Eli shoving his DMR down my throat constantly. I miss the golden days of BTB.
This has to be my favorite BTB map thus far. love the layout, love the gameplay and obviously love the falcon and rock hogs. I wasn't so sure of it when I played it at TGIF but that was probably cause I got raped by all the people that have played it before. Youve done a great job balancing gameplay nutduster. Wish something like this were in matchmaking.
Thanks Mr. Duck, it's awesome and much appreciated that THFE looked at Hivemind for a feature. And thanks to you other guys too - I'm glad you remember the map so fondly, after all this time. It's still one of my favorite designs. I had even greater ambitions for it, but the sheer size held me back... maybe in Halo 4.
One other question: Where did you get the symbols for the weapons? You used them to show the location of power weapons. It's sweet. I would love a link or a picture.
@ Paints: I believe you can get those weapon symbols from the stats page of Halo Waypoint. All you need to do is right click on each symbol and click save as. Here's the Falcon for instance.