Beaten... Stricken... Mangled. This is my first attempt at creating an asymmetrical map, so all criticism is welcome. What I was trying to do was achieve power balance while eliminating over a period of time all of my spawn issues. The Sniper spawn overlooks the rockets. The grenade launcher sits on the far side away from most of the action. The shotgun sits in the 2nd floor small hall, overlooking the main hallway. Basically, this map works super well with FFA slayer game types.
Now, I will say right from the start that I have not been able to get a game on this yet. Therefore, these are only my initial reactions to the map, and could change after I get a game on this. After a forge through of this map, I would say the many routes, height variations, and clean forging is what stuck out the most. There are plenty of ways to top control, and many different routes to approach different situations. There are some things that I think you might want to consider. In the last picture there is a a tac jump and a ramp up to top mid. Having both of those there is a little redundant, not a huge deal just redundant. A more severe problem that I noticed would be the location of the sniper and shotgun. They are so close together that it is very easy to get both in one swoop. All you would have to do is grab the sniper and jump over to the shotgun tunnel. On this map I could see that being a problem, because both of those weapons could dominate. The next thing I noticed was that Blue team was pretty much given the GL, whereas Red team is not given anything. Every power weapon that Red team has access too, can be easily contested by Blue team. That is a pretty big problem from a competitive standpoint, and you should prob address that issue. Lastly, I noticed that in red spawn there is kinda a dead end. The only way to get to that back halway is to either sprint jump off the brace, or go around. IMO, adding a ramp to that section could really improve flow, and also would give Red team access to their own power weapon. Anyways, those are the things I noticed after looking at your map. I know it might sound like I don't like your map, but I do. I love the layout, and with a few tweaks this could be GREAT!
Thank you good sir. Now this is going to sound wierd, but I actually re-edited this map just so I could allow team spawns. The walling being the red team spawns didn't exist until today and I though for some reason that the Rockets would give them too much of an advantage on the start so I added that wall to prevent them from getting it right away. From your review, I find it obvious that my changes were kind of unnecessary and made the map flow a little bit choppy. I will update it later tonight and put the original version up for download. Thanks for your feedback, it is more than appreciated.
Honestly, I don't think you will have to worry about giving the Red team rockets. The reason I say that is because you have sniper overlooking the rocket spawn already, and Blue team will get to sniper about the same time as Red team gets to Rockets. Furthermore, your weapons in general worry me. As I said before, Blue team pretty much has access to three power weapons right off the bat; GL, Shotgun and sniper. Red team would arrive at the shotgun about the same time Blue team would arrive at the sniper, the problem is a well placed grenade will kill the shotgun guy. I would toy around with the power weapon locations, because power weapons can make or break an asymmetrical map.
That was my main concern about making an Asym. I usually make perfectly symmetrical arena type maps with the power directly between the spawns. Any suggestions for the power weapon spawns? (Also the sniper overlooking rockets was how that map got started! lol)