Hey I wanted to start a small project to show off peoples maps with a video fly through and commentary. Basically anyone who doesn't have a capture card that wants to have a video created can. Here's what I had in mind:MyForgings's Channel‏ - YouTube Video's would be about one minute long, you can have all of your own links put in just like the first video I've uploaded. Submit your map to MyForgings@yahoo.com with the following info. Your Name (only your first name will be used in the video and you can op out by telling us not to include it) Your Gamertag (same goes for this) Map download link from Bungie.net Gametype download link from Bungie.net (if needed) Any other links you'd like included, ie: Twitter, youtube account, subscribe link Keep in mind not all submissions will be taken, but all will be played.
This sounds like just what I needed. I'll see when I have time to send you some stuff (first want to complete some other maps/gametypes and I also have to do a lot of homework)
Yeah of course. Several of the videos I've done have been like that. I understand the homework problem. I have it too.
Dude, I'll be sending you one of my maps (more to come, I hope) in a few seconds. Hope you'll like it, if you want to know more about this map: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/reach-mini-game-maps/130317-whac-mole.html I recommend playing it with at least 3 versus 3. Otherwise it might be too difficult to get a kill. And secondly, make sure nobody can join the game while you're already playing it. It will screw up the round because if everybody on one team is dead, the round should be over. When somebody joins the game though this won't immediately happen and people start to wonder why the round didn't end yet. So to avoid that confusion, make sure to do this.