I recently got sony vegas pro 10 and want to start making montages. i have already made one with some halo 3 practice clips that phurion put us, will have video below. its pretty good but there wasn't enough angles to really make it great, some of the quality of the video when i got them was that great as well so don't judge to hard on stuff like that. I was very limited in this montage but with a capture card coming in the mail the sky is the limit from here on out. anyone who has a good amount of clips they want shown or if enough people want to i can do a forgehub community montage. whatever anybody wants. like i said, i will be getting a capture card within the next three weeks so if you don't have one thats not a problem. please message me through forgehub if you are interested, gamertag is also assasanatorjr. halo 3 Phurion Practice Montage - YouTube note: once i get the capture card i might be willing to put up video walk throughs of peoples maps as well.
To be honest, the editing is nothing special, usually editors try to sync the cuts with the music. Also, a more "driving" song is often used, as well as more focus on the kills than the actual spree (Instead of fast-forwarding, use jump-cuts) Tl;Dr It's not bad, but it's not fantastic either. Edit: Aslo it's best to keep the aspect ratio 16:9 to eliminate black bars on the sides of the screen
The editing was simple but effective. I'm not really a fan over the whole over-the-top editing and all that. Also, try not to use as many Multi-Team clips. Especially when you're just killing people who are going for the objective and aren't paying attention. That's not really impressive. Same goes for entirely open custom maps on which it's really easy to predict the spawns.
For a first attempt thats not bad at all If you are going to do just straight up clips with no real editing, don't use first person, and use a more mellow track. Also, look to do more with the music itself. Do the odd bit of syncing to it, but not too much because it looks bad like that. Some of your transitions such as the zooming in and out with a scoped weapon are good, but very outdated, and might I say slightly cliche to an extent now. Other than that, best of luck, and maybe you will catch up to me and cryppy some day
Does no one read descriptions anymore, thanks for the comments that were good and the ones that culd be considered constructive criticism. These clips were put up by phurion, I did not film them myself. Mostly they were all first person and I couldn't control that a lot of them were multi team. As for sync it to the music I thought I did a decent job at that, yes not the best but it is there. I am getting a capture card when it comes in the mail so I will have more to work with on my next montage. I still think we while have a forgehub community montage...