This is a preview for my 3rd map CSS Cleansing Wind. The map was made with the not-too popular gametype, classic slayer, in mind. As usual, I'll put basic info and notes of interest in bullet format and preview pictures below, with gameplay and athsetic notes of the screenshot in question on the top and bottom, respectively. Theme: Covenant syled structures & athsetics Setting: The bridge of a covenant cruiser size: Small player count: 2-8 (Team), 2-6 (FFA) Style (i.e.asymmetrical, symmetrical): Rotationally Symmetric Notes of interest: - Inspired by The Halo CE level Truth and Reconcilliation - Features covenant weapons only - Unbreakable - Emphasis on CQC and AR skills ___________________________________________________________________ Hallway 1 Serves as a primary passage, and provieds ample cover and space for firefights. Purple lights attempt to give a covenant feel without having to use FX. The small curved ramps give the impression of a hallway in a covanant ship. ___________________________________________________________________ Curved ramp leads to the "bridge" and provides players armament. (note plasma rifle and sticky) Curved ramps don't break curved athsetics/theme, while being functional _______________________________________________________________________ This is "the bridge". It houses the sword, stickies and spikers. Plasma Batteries are strategically placed and timed (wait longer, more batteries, more boom. Deployable cover provides "Tactical cover" and the "Hill" reduces LOS. The covenant barriers, crates, and batteries are functional and provide a covenant feel. Note curved walls and ceiling athstetics. _______________________________________________________________________ Inside of a base. Note plasma batteries, concussion rifle, and grav lift (lower left) Not too much could be done athstetic-wise to the inside. The outside fits in nicely though. Note plasma batteries serve as an anti-camp measure. ____________________________New picture_________________________________ V V V V V V V V Serves as the second hallway. Losts of covenant crates for cover Offers a bit of distinction from first hallway, yet serves same purpose, with same weapons. Structure-wise is identical to previous hallway. Crates are a bit different, but offer little asthetic differences from first hallway. Note round base down the hall and one enterance to the bridge at top left. Well, there's my map preview of CSS Cleansing Wind. Comments are welcome. One last thing, I'm a little iffy about the name. If anyone can suggest another name, I'd appreciate it. Edit 1: some interseting quotes from my last testing session: GodlyPerfection-"This is probably the ony legitimate covenant map on reach besides zealot."- Fang3013-"so this is supposed to be the bridge of a covenant ship or something?" ArchBishop12-"Let me find a crack, i'm gonna break this guy's map" (He failed to break my map)
The only thing I saw which I didnt like was this curved ramp here- the part the plasma rifle is on doesn't feel like it should be there. If you cant find anything to replace it with, then you may as well keep it, but the sudden box looks strange. Other than that the map looks quite good, Its hard to tell just from these images, but I think you have a good idea going here!
I agree about the plasma rifle ramp, it looks out of place in the current position, but I can't really tell yet without more pics. However I love what you've done with those classic covy corridors; reminds me of gunning down grunts in Truth and Reconciliation's hallways. Captured the covy feel pretty well.
You captured the covenant feel to it really good, and i really love what you did with the covenant barricades lying down. Consider merging them into the ground, it might look a bit better. I agree about the curved ramp, the box looks out of place. An overview would be great, and some more pictures. If you are looking for testers, message me (I live in Sweden, so it could be a problem). Good work!
Thanks for the comments. I do understand your concerns about the "box", but to be honest, it dosn't impact the flow in any way whatsoever. I might put in another screenshot to help give players a better idea of the map, but keep in mind that this is still a map preview...
This was a fun little test we had earlier. The hallway in the first pic was nice looking but it got too tight considering i couldnt walk on the sides. It was an area i didnt want to go down for fear of death... I noticed a couple other places i turned from because they appeared this way but aside from that the general feel of the map was smooth
VERY nice bridge; I wish it was possible to do that while also creating the outside but not blowing half of ones budget...but oh well. Looks great though. Very covie-esque.
Suprisingly, the entire map only took about a little less than 6000 budget... This means that even with the 2 lights, there's almost no framerate lag.
I was testing this with you and godly last night and I think there's still a lot you can do to improve gameplay in addition to aesthetics. I know the whole plasma battery thing was fun, but those should generally be used as anti-camp measures or just fun stuff off to the side. Having to worry about them all around the map and especially at choke points was annoying, although playing normal instead of classic could have helped with this. Much of the time I was playing this I also felt sort of trapped because that curved ramp acts as such a choke point and the only other way I remember to get up was jumping of the curved ramps which slows everything down. You also should add something to identify the sides because I could never really tell where I was on the map. All that cover you put in the center room did almost nothing for me, and with the way the entrances are set up it's hard to get to cover once you are in there. Just jumping is enough to see over cover. Overall I felt like there were not enough choices about where to go and that just made gameplay boring if not miserable for someone who likes to play tactically. When I was running away from godly at one point it consisted of just that, running. There were no splits where I could go off and double back to my team, just forward and backward.
Dude, I love the aesthetics! You defenitly captured the covenant theme. pretty interesting. Nice Job!