This is one of the games this fall that I am looking forward to most. The customization and over the top gameplay are some of my favorite aspects of the series. If any of you guys haven't seen the trailers yet than i would suggest checking them out. However, since this is a Halo forum, and Combat Evolved Anniversary is coming out this same day I'm not sure how many people here are going to be getting it.
Day one purchase no questions asked. I LOOOOOVED saints row 2, but I found it too easy I'm hoping for more challenges this time around and I expect a lot more customization. Plus all the crazy vehicles and guns oh my lordy. I don't know how im going to do in school with this and skyrim being played.
Bumping this thread because this game is ****ing awesome, and creating a new thread would have been a waste of space. The gameplay is INSANE. It's so freaking fun. The story is actually pretty fun for a game that focuses purely on the aspect of fun, but god damn this gameplay. The character customization is also pretty damn insane.
The boob physics alone make this game great. Got my pistols upgraded to the max with dual wield. Just one more perk for infinite ammo, and I'll be unstoppable. Having never played the first two, I was amazed at how fun the game is.
Bought it, gonna download next month. I'm thinking of going suit and top hat [br][/br]Edited by merge: Thi game is epic, I love how you can play a serious traditional gangster in a mad world and he stays serious even when you're fighting guys dressed liked real life tron characters