
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Marcass2021, Sep 16, 2011.

  1. Marcass2021

    Marcass2021 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Co-Forge Project: Violaceous and
    Violaceous Dead
    An AvailableMoth and Marcass2021 Forge
    (Panorama!, 8 pictures put together)

    (There has been additions to the story since the Map Preview, so READ IT! its actually a good story.)
    Once upon a time AvailableMoth started a forge. He was fooling around with ideas in his epic man-mind, when a forging wizard named Marcass2021 approached him. "Hey, what are you forging there?" asked Marcass. "Oh nothing, just fooling around with this idea I have in my man-mind," replied Moth. The two began collaberating on some Ideas. "Hey what do you think of this layout?" Said the Forging Wizard Marcass. "That looks sick!" replied Manly Man Moth. "we should add in another access route right here, and raise this area a little bit, and what do you think of a horse shoe for a middle?" asked the Bursting-with-power and charisma Moth. Marcass took a moment and pondered in his chaotic, yet dazling magic-head. "This would make an epic layout as a horse shoe. We could add a lift that takes you from the bottom across the Chasm of death." When all of a sudden a beast entered the Forging Space. "Muahaha my name is CareerGK117, the Evil Forging Demon that is here to distract you for 2 hours with perilous Tricks and Death Defying Falls". The Macho Man and Wizard were defensless in this attack from the darkness, and got trapped in a time consuming endeavor. The Demon finally was banished from the forge world, but he left a scar on the map! So, the Two brains of power and wisdom continued on with their map. "I was thinking that my mystical and powerful 'Cone of Awesome' could fit well into this area of the map, across from this window". Stunningly Ripped Muscle Man Moth replied, "That would make a good addition to that room. I was also thinking that my dangerous Rock wall of Death could go in this room". After 8 hours of Collaberating on a map of epic proportions, the Pure awesome Man Moth and incredibly handsome Wizard had put together the first version of their map named "ERROR NAME NOT FOUND", and immediatly began testing. After weeks of preperation and tweaking the map was almost complete. Suddenly a dark shadow appeared and summoned a terrible storm that ripped a hole in the time-space continuum, causing specific areas of the map to jump through time or, what some people call, lag. The Wizard and Godly Man could not allow this to proceed. They then went into a 22 day battle with the shadow, trying everything imaginable. The Epic Bearded Forging Wizard and The Charmismatic God-like Man finally forced the shadow back where it came from and began to recover from the fight. The Ever so powerful Man Moth forced the continuum back into perfection with his bone crushing biceps. The super jedi wizard worked his magic to find pieces to be sure that the Shadow's "lag" would never return. The two massively powerful forgers had finished the design of their battle arena. Much preparation from the Wizard went into providing the supplies that the fighters of the arena would be prepared for any battle. The Sexy Body Building Man was concerned about the regenration system for fallen soldiers, he then parayed to the Gods of forgehub. Soon after, his prayer was answered. An angel decended from the skies with grace and said, "My Name is Rorak Kuroda and I know what can be done to solve your problem of how your fallen soldiers revive, and I also have a sexy voice and Buldging Muscles." With his muscles Glistening in the light of the angel, Man Moth thanked the angel and was finally pleased with his creation. The two who had set out long ago on a simple journey had learned so much dispite their already brilliant minds and were pleased to be at the end of their quest. "It was a pleasure working with you Sir AvailableMoth. Perhaps we could go through another quest some day?" said the Wizard. Man Moth laughed, and with a smile on his face he replied, "Of course my friend, you are always welcome in the kingdom of Moth, and perhaps someday you will have a body as cut as mine." "Not likely replied Wizard Marcass." the two returned to their resting chambers to prepare for the next journey.
    THE END.

    To the Pictures
    The Chasm

    Reverse Angle

    Blue Spawn

    Tactical Jump and Ramp

    Window Room

    Red Hall

    Cave Hole

    Red Spawn and Moth Rock Wall

    Tac Jump and Cave Hole

    Top Lift

    Top Mid

    Mid Lift

    Mid Lift Reverse Angle


    New Room



    Pit and Cone


    Bottom Mid


    Bottom Lift


    What? More Pictures? OK!








    In the year 2020 the growing problem of Wild Boars attacking major cities was threatening the population of the world. So in the following year a chemical was developed to sterilize the wild boars. This was supposed to be the end of the terror, until a twisted experiment occured. The chemical was injected into the fetus of a young Albanian woman. Only a couple minutes after the injection, the fetus showed some signs of aggression. Through biting and clawing, the baby tore through the womb and ate his way out of his mother. The mother then began showing similar signs and managed to bite the docter that was trying to restrain her. Undetainable, the virus spread like red in a ginger's hair. Soon after that experiment the whole world was infected, and the outbreak was named "The Apocalypse of 2021". 104 years later the infected population had reached the doors of the complex known as Violaceous. The Survivors in the arena had fortified the complex despite the loss of electricity, and prepared for the inevitable attack.

    Violaceous Dead
    (Separate Map, Separate Download)
    File Share Halo Official Site

    Top Lift







    Godly Muscle Man and Majestic Wizard
    Special Thanks to All of our testers
    CareerGK117 (Panic 45)
    Itz Eightball
    Th3 Equin0x
    Super Nova Legend
    KSI Reason
    Rorak Kuroda
    Blood Gulch 7
    Flying SHoe ILR
    xDTx Kaos
    Soul Slasher X
    If you tested and would like recognition please say so in the comment box.
    Remember Violaceous and Violaceous Dead are TWO DIFFERENT MAPS.

    #1 Marcass2021, Sep 16, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2012
  2. Landderp

    Landderp Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    This looks really amazing. Infact im almost speechless. Im def DLing this. be back with my divine justice on it soon:p.
  3. firedune

    firedune Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Hey, HEY! i'd like some recognition... yesh, i'm in the first picture, and the second and a few others...I was that awsome sniper. That was a pain getting it just right...
    ANYWAY, i'm thrilled to finally see this thing come out. I loved every bit of it, including that pesky mini rock maze. Great work!
    #3 firedune, Sep 16, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2011
  4. Noble T0M

    Noble T0M Forerunner

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    Played this the other night and had alot of fun, gameplay was fantastic. king of the hill spawned right next to my team at the start and there were some small framerate issues here and there, but these were small things. Lift rooms were really fun including the bottom lift with the health pack... I really liked those areas. Anyways great job on a co-forge
  5. Sugar

    Sugar Forerunner

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    I got a feeling this is going to be another hit. It's to see the devotion to infection and nice to see the map in general. I had framerate but that was barely noticed and could be gone by now. Epic use of the mancannons and railings. I found those two to be the most appealing. I like the height variation and how it felt close quarters as well. Great use of structures and ended up being a fun map. Hope to see more come from you guys soon Moth and Marcass.
  6. Marcass2021

    Marcass2021 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    LOL i got you in there now firedune22.. it was fun doing that picture.

    Lannders im glad you think it is appealing. we spent over a month on this bad boy.

    Tom! lol ya there is a tiny tiny bit of framerate issues in 2 areas but only when looking at a certain angle and when the room is crowded with more than 2 people.

    EDIT: thanks sugar. love ya! ;)
    #6 Marcass2021, Sep 16, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2011
  7. omegawontons

    omegawontons Forerunner

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    Nice map :) gonna give it a download. gameplay looks fun and the aesthetics are nice. i noticed in the pics that you need to tweak some of the rocks, i see some poking out thru the edges.

    good job
  8. Marcass2021

    Marcass2021 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    you are correct about the rocks. but that is the most we could hide them, they would stick out even furthur on the opposite side if they were adjusted.
  9. Landderp

    Landderp Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    ok back with my divine map justice and -puts on the song jizz in my pants- cause thats what i did when i played it. lol See now this is a round tit. fun to play with... just as fun to look at lol. god job it plays super nice and flows real well Kudos
  10. availablemoth

    availablemoth Forerunner

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    Wow already got a game on this, that was fast. I'm glad that you enjoyed the map. We put a lot of work into the design and looks of this map. To achieve both has been a long road, but a fun one. I am glad that all of you are enjoying it, that makes me smile.
  11. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Great to see this out! I enjoyed this more than most small maps, due to my strange and often freakish love for height variation both in forge and in real life (you can see why I loved San Francisco so much.) The man cannon bridges are a nice touch for getting between levels, and can make some interesting evade jumps in infection. I really enjoyed testing this, keep 'em coming!
  12. Landderp

    Landderp Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Hey man if i see a map I like i stop at nothing to have a custom asap. But your more than worthy of a shitload of praise.
  13. Marcass2021

    Marcass2021 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Well thanks. Lol. We made this map for you guys to enjoy. Happy to see we were successful.
    #13 Marcass2021, Sep 16, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2011
  14. Yobo

    Yobo Forerunner

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    Nice map, clean aesthetics and solid gameplay, I liked how you incorporated alot of height variations into the map.
  15. Landderp

    Landderp Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Oh and marcass if you do a custom yourself im in GT: Lannders :p i really wana play it again XD
  16. Marcass2021

    Marcass2021 Forerunner
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    sure dude, i could get some games with you, but most of my customs are going to be testing for my other 4-5 maps. but again, i'm glad this map has put so much enthusiasm in you
  17. xDTx Kaos

    xDTx Kaos Forerunner
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    Wow you put my name down. I only remember playing a handful of matches on here. I really do like the pillars in the little rock gardens. It makes the map feel less like forge and more like a real thing. I also liked the layout and gameplay. Overall good map.
  18. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This is certainly a fun small scale map. I've only played it a few times prior to release, but I've also spent quite a bit of time on here in forge with Moth. I think my favorite part of the map is the central chasm with the mancannons on either side, as it's a really cool and interesting area. Hopefully I'll be able to get some more games on here soon.
  19. NANGIE

    NANGIE Ancient
    Senior Member

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    the map looks pretty good, but i think you should stay away from the story telling stuff...cause it kind of sounded like the ambiguously gay duo or something...just saying
    #19 NANGIE, Sep 17, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2011
  20. Marcass2021

    Marcass2021 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    the story was vital to the presentation of the map, meant purely as a funny yet true story of how the map came to be. yes the descriptions were full of ambiguity but by no means were they of the homosexual nature

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