Cartographer v:I That old familiar feeling Cartographer is a fast paced map that is based of the pulse generator room in the original Halo CE level, "Assault on the Control Room." My original design was to directly remake the room from that level, but with over time I realised the space could be better utilised by added and enhancing the routes to and from. While I'm not happy with the current version of Cartographer, the map has an extremely fast flow. V2 will be released soon. This map is a work in progress and will progress over several versions, just like my other maps. I tried my hardest to maintain the look and feel of the original pulse generator room from the campaign level, while upgrading and making the map and making it different than a flat octagon. A huge shout out goes to the following people. With out them this would have never came to be or look as good as it does. Fritz (design theory and original idea's), aPK (Aesthetic detail help), Levvi (this guy is a forge genius). Download Cartographer v1
Keller, I think the concept is good, but I don't really like how it's essentially just a really plain circle with a mid atrium and a few entrances to it. I'm fairly convinced you're going to improve on it though, since I obviously know about Retroactive. It will probably end up just as great. Good luck.
This is cool man, I saw this featured on your Forgetacular video. I thought 343 would have been smart enough to use their beautiful remake of "cartographer" as a level for us to play with in forge. Would make a cool 2v2 map...but how come you listed the max players at 01? C'est fou! N'est pas?
The map looks cool, and I like how it aesthetically resembles the Phase Pulse Generators from C.E. But the name for the map itself throws me off a little bit. The Cartographer was from the level The Silent Cartographer, and was a map room to Delta Halo's control center, and had nothing to do with the PPGs. I think 'Pulse' would be a better name for this, since it's not inspired by the Cartographer, but by the PPGs. I'm just throwing stuff out there. You don't really have to, but I'm sure other people are a little perturbed by the name......