The other day I posted here on Forgehub a map called Spartan Base 117 and got a whole lot of good comments but one bad comment that I commonly saw was that I did not interlock my boxes. So I decided to make a Spartan Base 117 V2! Its bigger, badder, and better then the first one. It includes a larger upper level as well as a few extra features (including interlocking). Corridor of Death ______________________________________________________________ On the original Spartan Base map I had a few complaints about how the Corridor of Death was the center of attention and that it was annoying but I fixed it (as you can see above) so that it is slightly easier to navigate. I also made the map with more places to go so it would take attention off of the Corridor. The Corridor of Death in V2 has less obstacles and has the flamethrower right in the middle. There are still two hammers on each side and was designed so that opposing teams could clash in the center of it. Sniper Perch's ______________________________________________________________ This snipers perch is one that was not in the original but I decided would be a nice little addition to the map. There is not much cover up their so you have to grab the weapon and try to get into the openings. The top is accessible by a grav lift. This snipers perch however is accessible by a staircase and protects you with short barriers. One the original people complained that there was no cover so here you go. There are two snipers up here so make sure to go for headshots. The Underbelly ______________________________________________________________ The V1 of Spartan Base I didnt have any pictures of the lower area but now I do. There are plenty of weapons and two ghosts and plenty of places to hide. I recomend sitting in a corner waiting to hijack a vehicle. Shot Gun Row ______________________________________________________________ Shotgun Row on the original was a little dull so i decided to revamp it and make it look a bit better. It includes one of the two shot Guns in the map and has a few other wepons and grenades. Dual Heights ______________________________________________________________ I call this area of the map for obvious reasons, it is the highest level of the map and it includes nothing but dual weapons and grenades. As you can see on top of the floating box, there is still a power up their like in the original but there are now three floating boxes instead of one. You can ony acsess them with one of the two grav lifts found on the map. A VERY special weapon is also on top of each box. Note that there is also much more protection on the upper level of Spartan Base 117 V2! Stairway to Heaven ______________________________________________________________ Named after my favorite Led Zeppelin song, the Stairway to Heaven is a set of stairs leading up to the Rocket Launcher but has a little trap on the end that you have to watch out for. (HINT: its not the gap in between the stairs and the bridge) Weapons, Equipment, and Vehicles ______________________________________________________________ There are so many weapons in this map that your jaw will drop once you them all! 3 Battle Rifle 2 Shot Gun 3 Sniper Rifle 2 SMG's 2 Spikers 2 Plasma Pistol 2 Plasma Rifle 2 Needler 3 Brute Shot 2 Rocket Launchers 3 Spartan Lasers 2 Gravity Hammer 2 Covenant Carbine 2 Mauler 1 Flamethrower 2 Ghost 19 Plasma Grenade 6 Spike Grenades 1 Bubble Sheild 1 Power Drain 2 Trip Mine 2 Grav Lifts 1 Over Sheild 1 Active Camo Thank you for viewing my new and revamped map, if you would like to download Spartan Base 117 V2, click the link below. Download Spartan Base 117 V2 ______________________________________________________________ Other Maps By Travis The Hutt ______________________________________________________________ Liberty City - Platform Chaos - Extreme Sandtrap - The Castle -
I never saw your first map, but its good to see that you are taking criticism well, instead of just freaking out at the people
looks good, i saw the original but i don't remember well enough to make a comparison. but this one looks good anyway. very nice design well thought out.