Posting new maps without any reviews in a month...?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by PhantomStrike, Sep 11, 2011.

  1. PhantomStrike

    PhantomStrike Forerunner
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    This getting annoying, I had all my maps deleted off the website so I could do massive updates and they seemed pretty popular but now I notice a lot of new maps are being ignored not only mine. Most of the old classic popular maps are coming back too. I'm not a hater, I just saying that its upseting and disappointing at the same time. Anyone else like to comment?
  2. MrGreenWithAGun

    MrGreenWithAGun Forerunner
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    You mean you are upset that people are posting, but not taking the time to comment? Well, are you commenting?
  3. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    More often then not, if a post isn't appealing, or the pictures themselves don't seem to show off the majority of the map, many people won't download, let alone comment.

    What you need to do to avoid this is take time to make sure your post is well written (correct spelling and grammar included) and use pictures that show off your map the most (don't take a close up of a power weapon explaining what the weapon is).
  4. MrGreenWithAGun

    MrGreenWithAGun Forerunner
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    Okay, I follow you now... Sorry for the early reply.

    I would say for myself I look at the thumb nail. If it is not appealing, I don't go any further. And lately I am interested in two features I look for in a thumb nail: Forerunner architecture, and clean cut design (not cluttered).

    These are the ones I download. When I download them, I look at them from only two things: new ideas on Forerunner architecture, and spawning to see how they are implemented. (You would be surprised how many people still have no clue how the spawn system works!)

    If the thread gives me the impression that the map author is looking for feedback and if their spawning is done wrong, I comment on the spawning from an analytical point of view, not from testing (you cannot comment on a spawn system from testing, no matter what people say).

    If I don't comment on the spawn system, then one of three things are true. Either (a) I wasn't impressed to DL; (b) they didn't use any Respawn Zones of any kind; or (c) I didn't feel they were interested in hearing feedback. Perhaps I should drop the third criteria altogether and always comment when I find problems???
  5. PatchworkZombie

    PatchworkZombie Ancient

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    Not all maps need respawn zones to work. Bungie has never even officially said what they do, we only have theories. Personally I test without spawn zones and then just experiment with them until it works.
  6. PhantomStrike

    PhantomStrike Forerunner
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    I don't see the use of spawn zones unless you are in a Big Team Battle or have a big party on custom games, that is probably the only time so that none shall meet each other accidentally in a fight. Ah well, that is off topic though what I mean is that many people don't give threads posted by what seems to be immature forgers. People don't like the map, like they say. "You can't judge a book by its cover." Techincally the thread is a book no less. People should really start posting more comments, it helps created a better place and a lot more talk across the internet and in everyday life doesn't it.
  7. MrGreenWithAGun

    MrGreenWithAGun Forerunner
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    What I was trying to say is if they don't use Respawn Zones, then there is nothing to critique. If they use them correctly, there is nothing to critique. If they use them incorrectly, then I would post about it.

    Edited by merge:

    The Respawn Zones don't keep the two teams apart - you can actually respawn in the middle of a fire fight at your base.

    They prevent one team from spawning at the other teams' base (for example) so that they cannot spawn by the flag (for example). It has nothing to do with the size of the map, but the game type. Objective games require Respawn Zones. Some maps are only slayer, and slayer does not require Respawn Zones.
    #7 MrGreenWithAGun, Sep 12, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2011
  8. PhantomStrike

    PhantomStrike Forerunner
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    Ok that too, but anyway we are getting off topic what we are talking specify around the point that FORGE HUB gets new members weekly and at the moment the number is increasing even quicker than last year. What I want to say is that the new members are getting ignored by the rest of the community. The older members just keep ignoring and reviews rates on maps made by rookies and UNSC trainees like me are steadly dropping. At this rate those popular on FORGE HUB won't be able to make room for the ones that are moving in. People should really start to look at what the inexperinced have for the community because some may have a better talent at this stuff then a lot on here. Think about it have been looking at over 5 threads that have zero posts or are made by players who have no experince with FORGE HUB expectations from their peers. Anyway as well as the inexperinced have a lot of mistakes on the expectations such as writing one or two sentences and calling that a thread. We aren't even trying to fix them! (And not meaning BACKSEAT MODERATION) Come on guys try to help the rookies. Make them want to stay on forge hub. I even badly want some badly needed reviews bad or good just something that covers the topic and helps make them better forgers.
  9. Rsvi Etzudee

    Rsvi Etzudee Forerunner
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    I think we need a good thread/part of forum that explains what is needed to get some attention and a few tips.
  10. PhantomStrike

    PhantomStrike Forerunner
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    Agreed, no one seems too now and if we had some knowledge of what the community wants than there would be a lot more conversation and less ignorance and as well as less trolling and more friendliness for people who are more open with each other. I even sometimes trouble for trying to be open but there is a lot of problems with the social community these days, no old friendly chat and barely any commenting or openess and then there are too much competetition to be at the top and try get people to go down and dig their own grave. This just makes me disappointed in our society.
  11. Fritzster

    Fritzster Silly Goose
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    it is annoying and I see a recurring theme of this. The thing is good maps that are truly good exceed a good reason to give good feedback for improvements. Mandating a paragraph of good job nice map commenting has no negative effect of the map's deserving popularity, but it does cause a negative effect on the artificial entitlement of the deserving map's popularity. Hence why you see zero replies and community encouragement to be average, and thus generating reputation off the artificial entitlement of the maps success.
  12. PhantomStrike

    PhantomStrike Forerunner
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    I actually do the so called bad Good job nice map stuff but add some actual needed critisism along with reasons to back it up. So not everyone is as ignorant as it seems but I just don't feel like the people who could get some pointers get what is needed. My map Refugee (has been posted twice of version 1.0 and 2.0 but under different names.) is yet to be posted until Oli the G makes me a vid for the post at his video shop. The map seems cludder mostly based on gameplay and not much on asthetics. I actually need to fix it because its a slightly ruffled version of The Cage but I want to get some critisism when I post yet no comments are stated or given an attempt. I even try looking for tips on how to make good thumbnails for maps with PAINT since I can't use Photoshop or the others. I'm not talented with art unless its sketching so I'm out of the book there. I need some help to get people's attention to the maps but I usually need help which I have none...

    That is one reason I haven't posted a map in a year though I have completed (yet deleted) many good looking maps due to a whole load of reason usually accidental saving when one of my friends thought it would be funny to prank me by deleting my maps.

    I have a lot of bad luck.
  13. FriedFoodStuffz

    FriedFoodStuffz Forerunner

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    I am actually very picky about which maps I DL, and post on. They either have to be complete disasters, or something that genuinely impresses me. Occasionally if I see something that just looks interesting, or just so happens to be what i'm in the mood for, I'll give it a go. But that's pretty rare. Otherwise, I try to reply only when I feel it is necessarily. If a lot of other folks are pointing obvious things out, I usually won't bother. But when people are ignoring obvious flaws to praise something made by a friend, I don't mind bringing them back to reality a bit.

    I do see how this is frustrating for people looking to built their rep, though. If you end up on the third page the first day you post, then nobodies gonna see your work. That's why it's important to get your friends, or even just people who enjoyed your map in the lobby to help support your thread. The days leading up to and following the release of my Dead Streets, I would tout the line: "Download Dead Streets, recommend it to your friends, and support that thread on Forgehub!." Marketing your map is about more than just posting it, and hoping for the best. You gotta take an active role in getting people interested. Their are so many new maps being released everyday. Unless you already have a strong rep around a certain community, you're gonna have to push your **** in front of everyone to get some attention. It sucks, but that's just how it is.
  14. MrGreenWithAGun

    MrGreenWithAGun Forerunner
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    And there in lies the problem with FH map posts - they are no longer about critiques, but are advertisement disguised as critiques. This makes it all nothing more than a lie.

    We all know this. It is not spoken much, and the rules are touted in place of the truth. But it is an underlining current of "something isn't quite right here". And now you know, it is a simple lack of honesty on FH to give incentive to forgers to lie to advertise.

    Yet another reason I won't advertise my maps here at FH.
  15. Berb

    Berb Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This is trufax.
  16. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    It's a natural occurrence though. This is the most popular place on the web to post forged maps. It's busy; even this far after Reach's launch (we're now closer to its successor than to when Reach started), new maps are posted daily - usually quite a few of them. It's hard to hang out here long without getting a bad case of forge burnout. People see threads but seldom download and even less often comment, unless there's something in it for them, because let's face it: most forge maps, even the good ones, look kind of the same from a few screenshots and a brief description. The maps that get the most actual, honest comments (as opposed to pimping from friends and people with something to gain) are the awful-looking messes and the maps with one single striking, creative idea (but which may otherwise be average or even bad).

    I'll just fall back on my standard line: this place is not a meritocracy. It's much more about marketing and accompanying semi-sleazy practices. And in that regard, Forge Hub is just a microcosm of the entire world, which is almost NEVER run as a meritocracy. That's why an ugly girl who can really sing usually ends up working in an office - while the internet can't stop talking about Lana Del Ray, who was born already a celebrity and with good genetics, and thus it doesn't matter that she's painfully average as a singer and artist.

    /end rant

    Forge Hub will only become a meritocracy when some selfless saint of a person takes over, downloads each and every map, and plays them all with an unbiased and analytical eye. Then that person can review every last map and make lists of which ones every day are most worth your time. But of course, that's ridiculous and will never happen, so we have what we have - make the best of it. At least there's the occasional contest - assuming those are on the level, that's a way to get SOMEBODY playing and talking about your map, and maybe even rewarding it. (plug plug plug)
    #16 Nutduster, Jan 20, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2012
  17. RPAL

    RPAL Ancient
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    Forgehub has been like this forever. Even back in '08 when I joined. It was much better then because everyone was inexperienced in Halo 3.

    You have to realize Halo:Reach as a whole is not as popular a game anymore. I rarely ever play it, and when I do I am not going to download maps from websites anymore (let alone ones from random people on Forgehub). I am going to play the old ones I know and love. The ones made by forgers who have been around for years and made names for themselves. Its very complicated, but its generally a popularity contest.

    When Halo: 4 is released you should have no problem getting attention and downloads on (Halo 4) maps.
    #17 RPAL, Jan 20, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2012
  18. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Honestly, I've stopped caring about the download, comment, views crap. What is most important is that you learn from your designs and continue to improve and to have fun on them. It's more important to me that a few important people (friends and those who will critique the map sincerely) than to have hundreds of people I don't know see. Still, it is nice to have a community, where FH often lacks. Commenters above are right, too much weight is placed on popularity here, just like in reality. And as Forge Hub is the largest forging site, it will be the most similar to this.

    Moral of the story: If you don't like your maps being ignored, show them to the right people, not just everyone. You'll get more out of it overall.
  19. FriedFoodStuffz

    FriedFoodStuffz Forerunner

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    When I advertise my map, I am looking to get as much HONEST feedback as possible. I don't care if my threads get bumped if people who can help me make it better aren't posting. Actually, just last week I released a new version of my map and havn't gotten a single reply. It doesn't bother me in the least because if nobody had anything useful to say I didn't want to hear it anyway. I post here as a means of getting feedback.

    There is nothing wrong with trying to get as many people as possible interested in your map. More eyes equals more potential feedback. Also, building your rep means next time you release a map, you get to spend less time trying to get people to see your stuff, and more time applying any necessary changes. FH is a resource, one of many, but I guess that it is your choice to dismiss it. I will also say that the "right people" line so many have started using is inherently flawed. Who are the right people, anyway? RP guys? Blueprint guys? The review hub? That's all BS. You never know when someone will come along and say something unexpected that gives you an idea that fixes everything you found wrong with your map. Granted, that doesn't happen very often, but my last two projects have benefited greatly by it.
    #19 FriedFoodStuffz, Jan 20, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2012
  20. Hulter

    Hulter ^Raindear
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    People can't bother paying attenion to every single generic, mediocre map constantly, now can they?

    Besides, why does it matter?

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