I need people to help test my map. It`s my first map. (map info) Map: Waterfall Skyscraper Version: Beta Gametype(s): Tower assault Weapons: Sniper Rifle 2x DMR 2x Plasma Lancher 2x (two for each teams) Shotgun 1x Plasma Grenade 2x Frag Grenade 2x Loadout(s): Scout Description: Bomb the tower! Recommended player size: 4-16 Tip: Do not fly the Falcon too far out of the map. (Sreenshots) Red team's base Blue team's base from a distance Blue team's Falcon Bomb spawn Sniper tower at Blue team's base Entrance Entrance to the tower Lift (may get stuck/killed in the lift) The lift The top of the lift (where you may find a shotgun and some grenades) once at the top you wil find a Falcon (not the bird) and a few weapons
Wheres the map? All I see is one long pathway and two towers. How are people supposed to move around on foot? How are you supposed score the point if the bomb spawn is completely open? Who would travel up a lift that can kill you or get you stuck. Im sorry if I sound harsh, but if I say that this map is good and could work then Id be lying. Im sorry but please go and have a look at maps in the custom content section and you will see what makes a good map. Good effort on red base's tower though.
Yeah, I'm sorry, this just looks...like not a map. Maybe it could be though, but as it is right now, it's basic of the point of unplayability... Zero cover, plenty of snipers, narrow paths, buildings not being used particularly creatively...I mean, it's got a nice feel to it, but not as a playable map.
I said it needs testing. I know it sucks, it`s my first map. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Thanks for the feedback. It`s still a work in progress.
Well i for one like this map...yes indeed it is very rough. But i see real potential so instead of just smashing it im going to say good job and keep trying^^.