So at this point it's confirmed that Halo: CEA will only bring back Halo Combat Evolved and also bring Halo Reach new maps. But no new vehicles or weapons or anything. But, we can always hope for Halo 4. With a new planet comes a new enemy (probably) and since the Covenant was put at bay by Master Chief, the return of them and their vehicles is unlikely. My interpretation of the planet is that it's a Forerunner planet, and on that planet what else would there be but Forerunner vehicles and weapons? At school, I've drawn up a few designs of my own for the Banshee equivalent, Revenant equivalent, and Ghost equivalent. I'll post those later, but I'd like to see the ForgeHub community's ideas. So, on this thread, you guys can post your ideas for Forerunner technology, as long as it's not totally ridiculous (e.g. A nuke gun). Things like Vehicles, weapons, or even designs for the Forerunner themselves would be great. Please use this template: Name (of the technology) Picture (if possible) Description (what it is, what it does, functions, weaknesses, etc.) Equivalent (the thing it replaces from past Halo's, like the hornet to the Banshee)
The covenant may be at bay, but I bet you they make an appearance in Halo 4. They designed 8 solid alien races to be used as enemies (or friends in the Elite's case). Also they're not just going to scrap all of their already designed vehicles either. Remember that even though the human-covenant war ended at the end of Halo 3, the covenant continued to be hostile for about 2 years. And since I'm 99% sure that forerunners are totally extinct, only sentinels and probably other robot type things will be there. Since they can fly on their own I don't think they would need vehicles.
True, but the Halo 4 trailer is set ,at it's earliest, in 2556. And as you said, for 2 years the Covenant were still hostile. Halo 3 ends in 2553, so there's a 3 year gap between Halo 3 and Halo 4. And I know the Forerunners are probably extinct. But think about it, if the Forerunners left behind ancient artifacts of their existence (the Library, the Halo Rings, etc.) then couldn't they have also left behind some of their small-scale weaponry? Also, on the Halo E3 page, they said something about an "ancient evil", which could mean the Forerunners, or even the Precursors.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think ancient evil is alluring to the Flood. Remember, the Flood destroyed in halo 3 was just 1 hivemind: the one from installation 05 that was released. Hiveminds still exist in quarantine zones on installations 1,2,3,6 and 7
I think what you mean is Graveminds, and according to what I've read, the Flood are a never ending enemy. In other words, they will keep coming back. They were destroyed by Forerunners 100,000 years ago and they came back, so really, they'll always be apart of Halo. But, seeing as the Halo 4 trailer takes place on a planet, not a ring, the possibilities of new enemies are endless.
Actually they were stored on the rings. The whole point of the rings is to study the flood. As for the ancient evil, I think if it was the flood, they wouldn't be so ominous about it. My guess is its a new enemy, but definitely not Forerunner or precurser. Remember that they are making at least 3 more Halos, so they probably will create a new enemy for the sake of an interesting plot. And where did you get the info that said Halo 4 is at least 3 years after Halo 3?
Something on Halo: Waypoint (I believe it's Origins) puts the year at NO EARLIER than 2556. That means it could be further into the future. Also, the rings were designed to wipe out all sentient life to starve the Flood into extinction. I forgot about the Flood cells on the Halos. As for the interesting plot, the Forerunners would make a great story, at least to me it would.
Isn't it to kill the flood? Or, is that information in Cryptom? (hope i'm not butting in, i'm interested in the fiction too)
oooo ahhh you're cool. i asked a question. are you answering it or patronizing me? you're annoying me so i'll have to stop talking to you now. (i have no idea why you're talking about irony by the way.)
Heh, covenant may have suffered heavy losses, their homeplanets didn't got destroyed or something like that.
From what was discussed in this thread, and all the information I've managed to pick up before... this is what I know (or interpret it as). - The Rings were made as a weapon against the flood, not to store the flood or to learn from them. The Flood attacked the rings knowing that they were there to eliminate life and their food supply. - The Flood was created by the Forerunner as a biological creature designed to absorb information and store it. The creature evolved as more and more information was stored inside it's mind. This eventually became so massive, it realised it was the superior species and further evolved into a parasetic lifeform. The Flood lifeforms don't feed on life itself, but new information. If life is extinct, there is no information for the Gravemind's to feed on. The forms eventually become a Gravemind by absorbing enough information and life. (Think back to H:CE, Captain Keyes knew a LOT of information about the UNSC Military Operations. When he was captured, the flood form didn't evolve into the typical form, but massed into an oversized growth feeding on his intelligence.) - Forerunner's aren't neccessarily extinct. The Rings were positioned around the Galaxy to wipe out life inside the Galaxy. If you leave the Galaxy, you leave the field of fire. The terminals talk of a safety zone where the Flood have not yet infected. Beyond this is a barrier which, may or may not be, the barrier of which the rings cannot cleanse. - Forerunnner's also had Shield Worlds designed to protect themselves against the firing of the array. You visit one of these Shield worlds in Halo Wars, but it has since been contaminated by the Flood and no Forerunners were present. - The Ark is outside of the Galaxy (When you first arrive, you can see the Milky-Way in the sky), which means if Chief's ship was cut off and left to drift throughout space... chances are, he's not even in our Galaxy.
Okay, here we go. That was one of the few times I wasn't trolling, actually. remember that the Covenant is just a coalition of different species, some that don't even want to be a part of it. The prophets threatened to glass the lekgolo homeworld if they didn't join the Covenant, why would they feel the need to continue being a part of the covenant if that threat no longer existed. The brutes fell back into civil war, the jackals/skirmishers were only there for economic reasons, and tbh I don't know what happened to the grunts. Well, the rings were made as a defense against a possible flood uprising. They were used to study the flood, though. What? The forerunners didn't create the flood! The flood didn't even originate in this galaxy. The flood also doesn't "feed" on information, it uses captured info to gain an upperhand against its prey. The "oversized growth" was a protogravemind, basically a baby gravemind. I will admit that it is a possibility, thought the rings were activated ~100,000 years ago, if there were still Forerunners alive you would think they would have come out of hiding eventually. for the sake of this argument, I'm going to assume that the object seen in the Halo 4 trailer is a Forerunner shield world. Yes, the ark is in extra-galactic space, but why would a shield world be in extra-galactic space if that is already outside the range of a Halo ring? Chances are that the shield world is in the Milky Way. Also, I'm under the impression that the Chief was in mid teleport when the portal closed, and he was just sent to a random coordinate that the Forerunners had in the system. All info in this post was gathered from Halopedia.