
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by xzamplez, Sep 15, 2011.

  1. xzamplez

    xzamplez Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Arcade is a warm up map that is basically four circles connected in the center. It is made of tunnel larges, struts, and braces to give it a colorful environment and for easy orientation. The size of the map encourages players to pace their shots.

    Overview 1:

    Overview 2:

    Middle to Corner:

    Corner to Middle:

    Corner to Corner Line of Sight:

    Cross map Line of Sight:

    Enjoy! Link
  2. Crysis1110

    Crysis1110 Forerunner

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    Oooh this map looks nice and original but small and I like the ide of just using tunnels it made it look petty nice but its kinda plain looking but otherwise its good

    SPL4TTERMAN Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    This map looks confusing and colorful. I can immagine that a CQC gametype like infection would be good on it. The heavy use of colorful tunnels makes it look cool from the outside. Might suggest adding juicy and lights, just for brighter color.
  4. DjShiftD

    DjShiftD Forerunner

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    this map looks lazy... id call it lazer tag instead of arcade. with the lack of pieces, you could have built an arcade cabinate easily. i played this map on a 2v2 and it wasnt fun at all. the roof needs work.

    on a positive note; atleast the colors look pretty...
  5. xzamplez

    xzamplez Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    You sure are trying your hardest to find flaws in this map...

    If you read the description "it is a WARM UP map". It is not meant for 2v2.

    Don't treat it as if I spent hours designing it.

    I designed Terrace, so if you have any logical complaints about Terrace, I would love to hear them.
    #5 xzamplez, Sep 15, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2011
  6. DjShiftD

    DjShiftD Forerunner

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    it actually wasnt hard at all.

    i know its a warm up map, doesnt make a difference though. i dont want to give you my opinion on terrace because you wouldnt like it, lol.
  7. xzamplez

    xzamplez Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Listen, we both know you are attempting to bash the map because you couldn't handle the truthful criticism I gave on your gimmick of a map.

    It doesn't make a difference, wtf? All I was trying to do was make a map that warmed you up better than Octagon, and I succeeded. The only problem with the map is that it's flat.

    Go comment on Terrace. I would love it. I know anything you say will be fueled by anger rather than logic.
  8. Yobo

    Yobo Forerunner

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    You should respect other peoples opinions zamplez, go look at Mineral, sure there were some negative feedback, I took it like a boss, CALM STYLE, you shouldn't lash out at people because they doesn't like you map.
  9. xzamplez

    xzamplez Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    You don't understand, the only reason he is trying to bash the map is because I was the only one who didn't praise his map. Very childish on his part.
  10. NANGIE

    NANGIE Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this looks like something i would make just screwing around in forge without a plan. sure is colorful though....anyone disco?
  11. xzamplez

    xzamplez Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The plan was to create a warmup map like octagon, but with cover to maneuver around and to enable good spawns. Creating a map with Tunnels was an idea I had for a long time. (for the record, this map is about a year old)
  12. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Xzamples, I understand there is a prior argument between this other kid and you, but if this map is almost a year old and nowhere near to what you usually make, why did you post it? I have seen a few of you other maps and most are very good, so posting this was really asking for some harsh criticism (once again, I know there is a prior issue with one member.)

    Off topic, I downloaded Annex and enjoyed looking at it a lot, it was a very interesting choice to make it rotationally symmetric for its shape. I would like to play on it at some point. No offense, but not this map though, just as I wouldn't want other people playing on my early maps.
  13. xzamplez

    xzamplez Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I don't think Forgehub knows, but anyone who plays MLG likes to "warm up" their DMR before entering matchmaking. That is the sole purpose of this map. Or for 1v1s with the DMR.

    I was considering posting Annex. Annex was a learning experience. It was my first map that I designed with no inspiration in mind.
  14. PeanutPutter

    PeanutPutter Forerunner

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    xzamplez, I am going to download this and try it out as the author (yourself) intended for the community to use. I am a firm believer in warming up before I play especially if I intend on playing in the Arena. It's a shame that you received such negative feedback just because you didn't cater to to specific gametypes (like most members are probably accustomed to), or because someone harbors a personal vendetta against you. If you are one of those individuals, perhaps you should try to provide at least a positive comment if you intend to belittle someone's effort. I'd like to test to see if your design encourages a player to "shake off the rust" and prepare one for gameplay. Without playing it, my first thought is there is no cover. Perhaps this was what you were going for - to force players to constantly be engaged by keeping them on their toes. That being said, I don't mean excessive cover; perhaps 1 or 2 struts forged sticking up halfway through the ground to provide a little strategy. I think, perhaps, it might warm-up the mind as well as hand-eye coordination.
  15. DjShiftD

    DjShiftD Forerunner

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    i could care less what you think of my maps zamplez and alot of other people dont care about your "critizism". its not construcive at all.

    i tried ur terrace map and even though its balance, its pretty weak. nothing special about it at all. you like to bash on people who put effort in aesthetics and i know why; cuz yours suck. reminds me of maps made in sandbox. you asked for my opinion. i dont tell people their maps suck because i understand the effort they put into it.

    and im not a kid :) im 25 and have been a beta tester for bungie and valve since halo 2. (it was a private contract. i wasnt an offical employee).

    i dont like you cuz you whine and spam more than anyone else ive seen on this forum and alot of people are getting sick of your none sence.

    at this point, i am done with you and dont want to talk to you anymore. i will not comment on your threads and you dont comment to me. i dont need to argue with you anymore
  16. omegawontons

    omegawontons Forerunner

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    hate to break it to you xzamplez, but shift is right. ive noticed you do spam way too much and the mods need to do something because ive noticed you are pissing alot of people off. it pays to have more friends than enemies.

    i tried your terrace map as well and thought it was a very plain map. nothing i havent seen before.

    im glad shift is atleast being the bigger man and walking away.

    im not tring to insult you, just tring to warn you that alot of people think your opinion is useless.
  17. xzamplez

    xzamplez Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    To the both of you: The only reason people get frustrated with me is because they want everyone to tell them that their map looks great. I will not do that. I will point out the issues so you can improve it. Some kids are way too sensitive on Forgehub.

    Actually Terrace is something you have never seen before. It is an original layout so you couldn't have seen it anywhere else. It doesn't have any waterfalls or other gimmicks because I want the focal point of the map to be the geometry. I have gotten nothing but compliments over at MLG, so apparently you are both biased, or you don't know a good map when you see one.

    When you say Terrace is boring, it is because you can't come up with something bad about the map.

    People think my opinion is useless? Again, because they don't want to hear the problems on their maps.

    I, on the other hand, love to hear good feedback on my maps because it helps me improve them. But not BS feedback like what you two just gave me. "It's boring" lol.
  18. Yobo

    Yobo Forerunner

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    You should learn that from him, he appreciates what the community's gotta give, if you don't like most of the community's maps, you shouldn't be here.
  19. NANGIE

    NANGIE Ancient
    Senior Member

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    on top of that i dont understand while people hold MLG as the standard for everything. that is awesome that some of your other maps are well respected by the MLG community because they have great ideas there as well. however that map is not the map we or myself at least is commenting on. i think the message that some people are trying to help you understand is a little kindness would cause people to respect your opinion more. your ideas are often fine or correct, its just the way you present them to other people.
  20. zombified panda

    zombified panda Forerunner

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    I'v heard of this map, interesting layout, i will give it a download and see how it plays.

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