I need a wall that can only be destroyed from one side. I tried stacking crates, adding one way shields, then piling up some fusion coils or plasma batteries, but apparently that doesnt move the crate enough. Whats a good way to do this? oh and its 1 flag CTF, not invasion or anything.
caused by a player. I think i got it in the chat though. Block a man cannon with a fixed explosive, then blow up that explosive.
I have a perfect idea. The wall is made up of stacked fusion coils set on fixed. There are two shield doors on either side so they can't be blown up by fist or gun/grenade. Next, make a gap on the right of one side of the fusion coils. In that cap, have one of the fusion coils exposed to the gap. Next, make it so no one can shoot inside the gap by placing it at an angle. Finally, through a grenade in there to cause it to blow.
Perhaps you could use crates but on the side that has to destroy the wall have antennas holding the crates in place sticking up out of the ground. just an idea.