I just found out that Andy Whitfield, the main actor in Spartacus: Blood and Sand, has succumb to his battle with lymphatic cancer on Sunday, 12th of September. This shocked me to the core. I thought he was doing fine, but apparently his cancer came back after it went into remission during Comic Con of 2010. This is very sad, he was such a talented actor and an inspiring person. I feel so sorry for his family and loved ones, and hope they can find happiness again after such a tragic loss. Rest well, Andy, your legacy will live on in the hearts and minds of everyone you've influenced in one way or another. (IGN article)
Transhuman, you've always had a way with words. We all wish we could be as tactful as you always are. /dripping sarcasm
lol I watched an episode of Spartacus, it was just a bunch of blood and boobs. I found his acting to be very robotic.
If you compare him to the new actor that it coming onto the show to replace him then you'd say differently. I've followed the show since the first episode and you really grow to love the characters in it. If Jack from lost were suddenly replaced with some other character I'm sure you'd be upset. Probably a better example considering the people in this thread would be Nathan Fillion in Castle or Firefly (even though it got canceled...)
Yeah, definitely not going to be seeing another episode of this show any time soon. I can see Nathan Fillion being the new Spartacus.
Frankly, I couldn't care less about someone who bases their opinion on movies/tv shows by what Metacritic rates them. If you are more concerned about the acting than enjoying the show, then go read a book where your obviously superior intellect and acting skill can do their jobs for them. Spartacus was an enjoyable portrayal of gladiators and their lives outside of the arena. I'm sorry to see Andy Whitfield go as he was very much the core of that show. Even with the return of the rest of the characters I grew to love, I don't know if I could enjoy Season 2 as much with someone else taking lead...
i cant believe people are still trollable these days. to get serious though, it's a bummer when anybody young dies. when it comes to actors, it's interesting to think of where they could have went in their careers. What other badass shows he could have ended up in
Jokes or not, I am seriously disappointed at the distaste some of my fellow Forge Hubbers have displayed in this thread. Someones life has been cut short. Regardless of whether or not you liked him, it is still a tragedy. This was not intended to be a place to troll him on his acting ability, it was to inform people that someone I, and I'm sure many others like, had passed away. If people are going to continue to make jokes at his expense then I'm going to ask a mod to lock this thread. Some of your attitudes are ****ing disgraceful.