Introduction "Latchkey... not a word he would use lightly, so lets hope that the data module your Lieutenant Commander stole, contains it" - Dr. Catherine Elizabeth Halsey. LATCHKEY A word not said by many, but it's battle is fought by numerous amounts. 2-8 players - Map Description It may not have been what was on Kat's data module, but it sure is my newest multiplayer map. Latchkey is a 4v4 map that is created to suit Assault, Multiflag, FFA and Team Slayer. Weapons on Latchkey 5x DMR - 30 sec 4x Needle Rifle - 30 sec 2x Assault Rifle - 30 sec 2x Needler - 30 sec 1x Rocket Launcher - 160 sec 1x Shotgun - 100 sec 1x Grenade Launcher - 115 sec 2x Plasma Pistol - 30 sec 2x Plasma Rifle - 30 sec 1x Plasma Repeater - 30 sec 1x Spiker - 30 sec 6x Fragmentation Grenades - 15 sec 4x Plasma Grenades - 15 sec Overview Initial Loadout Camera for FFA Matches including Slayer and Oddball. Red Base/RTEAM Camera Blue Base/BTEAM Camera Teleporters Inspired by Beaver Creek, teleporters are located at each base in the room underneath the main floor. Due to Elites not being able to fit throught Teleporter Frames, I had to create my own. Now those brave soldiers of the Sanghelli race can fit through. Weapon Spawns Crane/Rocket Launcher Dish/Shotgun Action Shots Conclusion First off, I would just like to say, thankyou to all the testers that helped me playtest this map. Testers Jaidabecca MEGOODMONSTER whitesm1th Womb Raider64 Recon2014 liljon711 White Bandicoot Lancerknife Mr Magic Mush Second to all the people who download this map, please enjoy it. It may have taken me time to create, but my maps are for the people, not for myself. So have fun on Latchkey and please give feedback! Peace.