Hey everyone I need you guys' CnC for this quick sig I made for a friend over at Halocharts. Since I have a sig shop there I've gotten some requests and this is my first. I won't be making adjustments to it, but I will take all the suggestions or advice you guys give me to keep improving. All comments welcome.
Hmm seems you set the contrast too high on his visor... Lighting is slightly off, his armor shows the light coming from the upper left, yet the light source is middle left, which would have reflected differently on his armor. Also, the quality seems slightly low here...what is the resolution on this, or is that supposed to be an intentional effect, the graininess? P.S. Most people consider it fairly bad form to actually sign your name on the signatures btw, everyone who needs to know who made it knows, and if they are asked about their sig, they will generally refer to you anyway.
The graininess is intentional, and I was also a little put off with that bright part of his armor and the visor, but burning it seemed to make it even worse, and the effect I was going for would have had to be changed so I left it like that :/ As for the name part, I hate adding watermarks in there but I got some competition in HC, and while their sigs are not the best (I hate to compare, but they are sigs based on medal placing and huge text) , they do have their huge names showing and have made themselves known... I am going for the same thing, to be recognized there for art, not for medal-placing and haphazard effects. I remember when I did that. I still shiver at my early attempts at making these lol. Thanks for the feedback Orlando.
Ah ok, that makes sense, if there is a legitimate reason then it is understandable. It is always interesting to look at your early attempts and realize how far you have come since then...
Lol yeah, then again, though, I deleted the early images, even from my computer... but I remember the perfection medals and bland background. The CnC has helped me a ton, and the tuts here are excellent too.