Core by Solo XII and a Polish Korean Core was forged by Solo and I. 'Nuff said. Gametypes: -Team Slayer -5 Flag Intel: -1 Custom Powerup -2 Snipers -2 Plasma Pistols -4 DMRs -4 NRs -2 Magnums -4 Frag Grenades -4 Sticky Grenades -2 Jetpacks -2 Healthpacks Screenshots: Orange Base Base Alternative View [/url] Jetpack Room Snipe Spawn Custom Spawn Download Core
First of all I have to say that I am excited that the mods listened to hulter and merged the MLG and competive section together. Hopefully, this will give MLG maps more desearved recognition. OT: After a forge through of this map, it looks like it would play very nicely. Seems to have good height varations, and solid connecting routes. The forging is clean, but with your maps that is always the case, and the object use is very fresh. Just a small detail, but I am glad that the map is symmetrical, but the aesthetics are asymmetrical. Changing the walls in sniper spawn, should help with orientation. Overall, by the looks of it, it should play well. I will try and get a game on this and leave you with some better constructive criticism.
Who designed this Polish? You or Solo? Looks solid. Did you ever consider a jump pad in the center? As of now, the only way to access the top is by walking to the perimeter of the map. It would speed up gameplay, and players would need to be more aware to hold top mid down. I nominated this for a feature.
Nice map, well forged, good lay out and flow to the map. Jetpacks are quite useful on this map, especially near the center. The only 'negative' comment i have is the locations of the snipers, they arn't really near the bases, which means that one team could get both snipers. Didn't test the spawns either, not sure how well they will work.
stfu. Honestly I am tired of people saying that. Anyways, very impressive map you two have built. The simplicity of it is something I really admire, and I tend to have trouble pulling that off. Again, great job dudes.
Maybe people are saying that for a reason. because it was true. Before we got the the new prefix option, nobody would go to the MLG section.
@Uno I'm really digging FH. I've gotten more feedback here than I have over at MLG. @Moth Thanks man. Glad to see that my works interest you. Hope you enjoy the map if you get a chance to play on it. @Xzample Neither of us designed it. Solo took inspiration from a campaign level in CE, and we ran with it. It was more of a free-forge than anything. And I am currently working on a new version with more routes and some revised LoS. It should make movement flow even better. Thanks for the nomination <3 @Exile Thank you for the praise. Glad to hear that you like it from your initial impressions. The Sniper location and the entire weapon layout is being reconsidered for v2, so keep your eyes out for that. @cluckinho Thanks. That's one of my favorite parts of this map. It seems rather complicated at first glance, but the layout is rather simple.
This is my style of my map, I've always been a fan of reach's tunnel's and it seems you've went to great lengths to use them as a large part of your design and in a very clean way which isnt something thats seen very often. I also really like the way you've lined up each part of the map to connect directly to the others, there really doesnt seem to be any camping spots or bad placement involved in this map at all. I would honestly love to see another map designed similiar to this by you as I love the cleaness and how well everything fits together great job on this.
The aesthetic trim of the map is very eye-catching. I agree with xzample, a jump pad or some other lift would really open up access in the middle of the map; then you could remove the jetpacks and put something more interesting there. If not a jump pad or lift, maybe there's somewhere else you could include another ramp or a tac jump? The red and blue shield markers were well implemented for orientation. Looking at the red one from top mid causes a frame rate drop. You even have it placed with horizontal stripes (supposedly better for lag), so I'm not sure what to do about that except get rid of it. I really enjoy the pallet/theme of this map, the catwalk-tunnel combat is really interesting
Babump... Babump... (Heartbeat nub cakes). Didn't see this one before. How many of these maps did you guys release during my hiatus? Core looks surprisingly simple compared to your usually designs. Probably not bad thing though. Should get some customs together again and run these.