Some amazing maps from some more lesser known members of the community. I'll be pleased with whoever the winners are.
Which lesser known members? All of these members are known for at least something in this community. Just because they don't get on the front page doesn't mean they don't get noticed. Not a fan of a few of the maps on here, but my vote goes to Metropolis in the end. The map brought back some memories of when BTB was actually good, and some might even say competitive. I loved Headlong and that map was just as good as Headlong. I still have to say Headlong was better out of nostalgia.
Ooh, Ive played and know all these maps and I really like all of them... Sorry Duck, Pinkie, Duster and Sinless... My vote goes for Metropolis
Alright let me see the poll... ... ALL OF THESE MAPS ARE THE BEST MAPS I'VE PLAYED! /headasplode /headasplode2
I think the maps are just listed alphabetically. No poll results until the voting closes. Congratulations on getting in by the way, I just realized that was your map. (Because I am dumb.)
Can anyone tell me how a map gets nominated? Btw, I voted for Mineral. Definitely the most thought put into it out of the bunch. Ark is unbalanced and has an incomplete look. Hivemind is too linear and give players little options for movement. Metropolis is heavily inspired by Headlong, so it does not deserve the credit of an original design. Orbis had some awkward connections, and poor object usage.
It is all done by FH members. Each go around every user can nominate three maps that they like. The top five are voted on, and the top three I believe are given a stickie thread.
Sorry, but this is a little insulting. I don't think you're one to judge the amount of "thought" put into a map just by looking at a few pictures. I've put around nine months worth of thought into Metropolis balancing spawns, weapons, vehicles, power positions, vehicle vs. infantry dynamics, lines of sight, framerate optimization... the list goes on. I'm sure all the other map creators have worked just as hard as I have on their maps, or even harder, and I'm willing to bet that they don't appreciate their efforts being waved off as "unbalanced" or "poor" either. Also... Hivemind? Linear? Have you even seen the map?
I'm sorry you feel this way, but you did not design the map. It is heavily based on Headlong, so I would never put a remake above an original design. Never. You know what's great about criticism? That they can listen to it and go improve their map with it. It's better to give brutally honest feedback than to give no feedback at all. Hivemind is very linear. A map does not need to be a square to be linear. I didn't say any of the maps were "poor", so do not imply that I said that. I said Orbis has poor object usage, meaning he could use different objects in place of current ones to give the map a cleaner look and reduce object count. Mineral shows a lot of attention to detail with some unique geometrical features, aesthetic orientation, and an original layout. That's why it is my vote. [br][/br]Edited by merge: I didn't say you put the most time into it, I said you put the most thought into it... It's not hard to quickly forge a map after you have the design drawn down, or if you know exactly how you want it to look in your head.
Voted for Mineral. Can't say I agree with you there xzamplez. I don't think it's fair to declare all remakes are below original designs. Sure, I'd rather play a really good original like The Divide than a good Guardian remake, but I'd also rather play the remake than a really poor original design (e.g.; a box of colliseum walls with no cover and full clip sniper rifles everywhere). Perhaps I'm just defensive because I'm currently working on a remake, but I think as long as someone is reimagining a map and not just recreating it piece for piece, they deserve a little credit for 'thought'. We're all working with the same shapes and materials in forge so I think the 'originality' of any map could be called into question. I think your criticisms are all fair as long as you can explain them, but perhaps it would be better to post them in the map threads in the future.
Hivemind is linear for warthogs, multi-directional for infantry, and almost freeform for falcons. That's the intended design and that is how it plays. The layout was fussed over quite a bit and was modeled partly on Rat's Nest from Halo 3. In that map, larger vehicles could basically only go on one path (with a split down the middle, just like Hivemind) - but infantry had more options and areas that were really only safe for them, that allowed them to cut through the map almost as fast as the 'hogs. It's not a wide open, go-anywhere map like Hemorrhage, but is not nearly as linear as you're implying except for people in 'hogs. I'd encourage you to have a game or two on it at some point. Actually we'll be playing it tonight so I can add a gameplay vid to the release post - feel free to join us.