Hey guys. This is a remake of the Freelancer battle area in Red vs. Blue Episode 10 Season 9. Here is the Map Here is the Observation Building. You can see battles through windows. Reload at the Restart Section. Hide behind the pillars. Fight! Thank you to xskywalker2689 for testing. Thank you Red vs. Blue for the idea. And thank you Mantacore4 for being there during creation of map.
Yea I tried out columns first. Then when I checked the blocks out, none of them seemed small enough. They seemed too big.
Um are you sure this is for competitive because if you are remaking it for the specifics of RvB I suggest in the asthetic section. If it is a slayer map are you going to close off the observation deck or allow players too go there.
This is actually really sweet, but really sloppy. Should probably be in casual instead though. Can I suggest a v2? Basically really try to capture the size and look of the cover used in the episode. These columns just don't feel right. Plus you have 10,000 dollars to spend on something so simple. Even if it means using 5 objects for each piece of cover I'd be worth it, if it didn't lag of course.