Battlefield This map is comprised of two small bases and one large, open battlefield in the middle. The bases host all the team's weapons and items, but the middle has different items, powerups, and bounces. Each base has a Wraith that cannot move, but functions as a turret. Each base also hosts two normal turrets. With all weapons being explosive, trip mines, all grenade types, and explosive tanks everywhere, this is arguably one of the most explosive chain-reaction games ever. With 50% gravity, this is one of the most hectic games you will ever play! Midfield: Base A: 'Splosions! Map Gametype All of my maps: RISK Board Game Special Ops. Pirates Boarding Action 2 Battlefield Wraith Escape Death Pit Sprint
Looks a little unblalanced in the middle, but it could be fun. I'm gonna say this is not one of your best maps. : / Are there battle rifles?
I think you should put some cover in the middle like walls and dumpsters to give it the authenitic feel of combat...and just because i makes it look cool
Meh, you guys can dislike this map if you want, personally it is one of my favorite two, haha. I made this map precisely because I did not want anything in the middle, thus making it a field. And no, I didn't include BRs because they are, um, not explosive enough. I love explosions, I love antigravity, and I love open fighting, so I made this map! Yay!