Flooded Facility

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by TerrorWolfman, Sep 10, 2011.

  1. TerrorWolfman

    TerrorWolfman Forerunner

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    Hello fello forgers im posting my 2 map to forgehub. Its one of my best and personal favorites, Flooded Facility. It has two levels and is also symmetrical. The main power weapons r 2 shotguns, 1 rocket launcher (bottom middle), but there r also 2 concussion rifles. There r also other weapons that u will need to explore to find. I tell u that the 4 dmrs r at each of the 4 corners of the map though, left and right of the team bases. This map has awesome gameplay for team slayer, so DOWNLOAD and i hope u enjoy! Now for the pics...

    Middle bottom of the map (has Rocket launcher there)

    1 of 4 hallways like this comin from the sides of the bases

    Concussion rifle in the hallways at the far sides of the map

    Top of the red base

    Top middle area of the map(not the best pic of the area, just play and see)

    Perdy as a picture (1 of 4 dmr rooms)

    A lower level hallway(u can walk of that thing n the middle)

    Coming from one of the bases to the middle

    Well download it and tell me what u think of it, enjoy
  2. Skater

    Skater Halo Reach Era
    Senior Member

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    Looks nice, maybe widen the corridors so they aren't as easy to spam with grenades, and the weapons may be tough to see through the water if you aren't looking carefully.
    But overall, well done.
  3. TerrorWolfman

    TerrorWolfman Forerunner

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    Yeah but i only have the rocket launcher in the water, but thanks i'll think about makn the weapons more visible

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