I'm looking for testers for this map at the moment so I can get some serious games done. The layout is completely finished and just possibly needs tweaking from now on. Thermal is rotationally symmetrical and medium-sized, designed for 4-8 player team games, though it works for all gametypes. Weapons: - Energy Sword, 180 seconds - Concussion Rifle x 2, 150 seconds, 1 clip(s), place at start = FALSE - Sniper Rifle x 2, 120 seconds, 0 clip(s) - Plasma Pistol x 2, 90 seconds - DMR x 4, 60 seconds - Plasma Grenade x 2, 30 seconds - Frag Grenade x 2, 15 seconds I'll add more pics in time if this thread stays up. If you feel like helping out with testing then just add me; GT = PatchworkZombie. Thanks
I noticed you had a shield door in the bottom right hand corner of the picture, thats usually a no no, but whatever. The forging looks super clean, we just need more pictures. Hit me up for testing when its ready
I do believe that is a shield door, I would think about removing that. There is a reason that bungie takes them out on all their maps, they are campable and slow down gameplay. Anyways, add me on XBL I would love to play this!
I sure will hit you up. The shield door didn't used to be there though the maps gameplay is rather fast-paced and in the few tests I've done so far it seems to work fine and camping isn't an issue. In fact the main reason it's there is to prevent constant grenade spamming to the centre of the map. I actually fixed that by swinging around the door piece so now the jump can be done on both sides Also Blaze sorry about not getting around to doing infection on Erasure, I'll sort it out soon I promise.