
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by General Valkova, Sep 8, 2011.

  1. General Valkova

    General Valkova Forerunner

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    I figured it was about time I released this considering it was all based around the MLG Forge 1v1 settings, and pre-TU game mechanics. I don't see myself carrying on with this map after the title update.

    Alleviation is a functionally symmetrical map designed to play 1v1s using the MLG Forge Beta settings. It was inspired by Unoverrated's 'Solace' though it resembles hardly anything of the sort.

    Weapons on map:
    Spiker x1
    Grenade Laucher x1
    Sniper x1
    Overshield x1
    DMR x4
    Needle Rifle x1
    Magnum x2
    Heathpack x1
    Plasma Grenade x2


    Load out cam, Grenade Launcher and Plasmas spawns below:


    Chapel/ Red corner:


    Top middle:


    Overshield Spawn:


    As always, feedback is appreciated!

    Have fun and play nice! :)
  2. Sugar

    Sugar Forerunner

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    Wow, considering you are a rookie unless you have made many maps but waited for the right one, this is very good work. I like the structures you used and how you made them. Nice elevation changes and very creative. I can't say too much about the gameplay, since I have not played on it. My only concern is the overshield, I usually am against it though considering you become a juggernaut. Hope this map gets noticed. Well done.
  3. General Valkova

    General Valkova Forerunner

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    The overshield is different with the settings provided.

    And I simply copied the thread from the MLG forums.
    So to answer your question, yes I have forged before.
  4. Yobo

    Yobo Forerunner

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    Great aesthetics and gameplay, nothing overpowered. Btw, what does the name mean?
  5. DjShiftD

    DjShiftD Forerunner

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    like it. my only complaint is i dont like the strut layouts, but thats no big deal. good job
  6. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
    Senior Member

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    You won't be bothered by the struts in game. Personally, I think it gives a unique feel to this map.

    Having played 2 games on this map, I have yet to find anything too serious. The sniper works well only in the hands of a skilled player, which I like, but the nade launcher was rarely picked up and the custom was rarely contested when picked up. It's very effective to juke in this map, which caused me to go +22 in the 2v2 game I had on this and +12 in an FFA game. That may or may not be a problem, but I don't see it as one. I have not yet tested 1v1 on this map, but I don't imagine it would play badly, since that's what it's made for. Didn't really like the lifts. They weren't too useful and were a pain when you did use them. I feel like it's always more effective to use your feet to get from level to level rather than the lifts.

    As of yet the best 2v2 map I've played, and an amazing FFA map. We'll see about 1v1, now.

    You need to get in more of the MLG community tests. I haven't seen you in there, but you would definitely fit in well. Your maps are on par with the maps typically tested in those lobbies.

    I'd nominate it for a FHF, but unfortunately I have already used up my 3 votes. Definitely nominating this next time.
  7. General Valkova

    General Valkova Forerunner

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    First off, thanks for the support and appreciation!

    I think I have you on my friend's list don't I?

    What's your MLG forum username?


    Alleviate: to make easier to endure; lessen; mitigate: to alleviate sorrow; to alleviate pain.
    #7 General Valkova, Sep 10, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2011
  8. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
    Senior Member

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    I got banned from the MLG forums back in 2006. I'm a lurker now.

    And yes, you have me on your friends list.
  9. Andrei Chikatilo

    Andrei Chikatilo Forerunner

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    Loving this map. I made Blood Gulch rage-quit after three 1v1s on it. :D

    Never found the GL though.
    #9 Andrei Chikatilo, Sep 10, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2011
  10. General Valkova

    General Valkova Forerunner

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    I'm glad you like it.

    I'm curious as to why he rage quitted. Was it a map issue?

    Finally, the grenade Launcher is sitting on the rock with the open covenant crate
    that holds the plasma grenades. It doesn't spawn at start, which may be why you didn't find it. You have to jump or drop down to get it.
  11. Andrei Chikatilo

    Andrei Chikatilo Forerunner

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    Nah, I just beat him three straight times on a map I had never seen before. :p
  12. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
    Senior Member

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    Nah, it was the combination of bloom, horrible connection, and a shitty host.
  13. General Valkova

    General Valkova Forerunner

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    Hahaha, well I'm glad at least one of you enjoyed it! :p

    Thinking I may see how the new game mechanics (post TU) change gameplay, and I might continue with a v2 for this map.
  14. availablemoth

    availablemoth Forerunner

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    Was able to get a game on this map today, and I was very impressed with the way it played. Good mix of height variations and options to leave your opponent guessing. Also, was impressed at how balanced the power weapons were on this map. The sight lines for the sniper were perfect, not so closed off that it was useless, but not so open that it dominated play. Honestly, I prob enjoyed this map so much because it seems to be taylored to the way that I play. High action, mid to short range DMR fights, with less focus on the power weapons. My only conern with this map would be that spawning seemed to be fairly predictable. Although, I do not play 1v1's ever so I'm not sure if that is how it is suppose to be or not.

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