MtnDewX97 attemps a Roller Coaster!!! This my 7th map, it has two spirals and drifting turns with a 2 minute lap time! Isn't much to explain so let's move on to the pics Ash First Spiral Second Spiral Wave First Drifting Turn Second Wave Turn Inside Coliseum Jump Landing "Train Track" Whoops Thrid and Fourth Waves 105MPH Drop into Fifth Wave Second Dirfting Turn into Turn Around Final Hill to Finish Overview 1 Overview 2 (Color Appears Around Second YouTube - Ash Halo: Reach Roller Coaster
I like how "tangled" the map is. I noticed the constently you are turning and looping over or under the other sections of the track. But the video is all over the place. I think you should just stick with the actually mongoose instead of trying to follow the track. Other than than Nice.
This is one of my favorite races. It's definitely the hardest/most complex race I've played. I have yet to actually finish all three laps without time expiring =O. But I have fun every time. Awesome work