Fired Up Fired Up is a inverse symmetrical Chill out inspired map. the central double atrium holds a Camo top mid and there are no power weapons on the map. It is a room based map with long, mid and close range LOS. It plays Slayer, Flag and Bomb (but also supports Oddball). It's been a long time in the making so I hope you guys enjoy it. Weapons: - 4x DMR - 4x Needle Rifle - 4x Frag Grenades - 2x Plasma Pistol - 2x Magnum Powerups: - 2x Jetpack - 1x Camo (Slayer only) Gametypes: - Slayer - Flag - Ball - Bomb Screenshots: Please share any problems or feedback.
I love chillout from Halo CE. I will download this, it looks very smooth , and I like the rock walls. Very nice work.
Looks lovely I love the column you made with inclines and the rock walls realy suit the map.The posotions of the flags are excellent and.I especialy like your use of the brace,large its one of my favourites for walls.Its an excellent remake from the Halo CE map chillout(my favourite CE map BTW).Anyhow I give this 10/10
Have you fixed those horrible spawns yet? I still have that clip of me backsmacking Seven oh Three right as he spawned in front of me to prove that they were bad. Map reminds me of Chillout but about twice the size. I hated it mainly because you have 2 snipes across from each other on the map, allowing players with map knowledge, such as yourself, to gain an unfair advantage. Personally, I liked the map before snipe started being used.
Hard corners are bad for gameplay. They cause the maps natural flow to become rigid rather than fluid, and make movement feel unnatural. The design of the transitional 'doorways' helps quite a bit, but I don't quite understand why the same pieces were not used to fix up some of the sketchy 90-degree angles. Reminds me of an H:CustomE-ra, map. Good thing too, cus those were the best by far.
I really enjoyed this when I played it the other day. I never liked Cold Storage, but the symmetrical take on this really fixed all of the balance issues I had with Cold Storage. If I had one complaint, it would be the bases. I'm a guy that usually likes a map that encourages jumping around, but in the bases, I'd rather be able to run up a ramp when I'm trying to run away than have to crouch jump twice just to get out of a conflict. Aside from that, this map is golden. Map knowledge gives an advantage, but certainly not an unfair one. Every map has to be learned, and those that know the map better, who use the map more intelligently, deserve every bit of advantage that they get. I really don't see how you could dislike a map just because you didn't know it, that's just silly. Also, if you notice in the post, the snipers have been removed. So your complaint is invalid anyways.
Clearly you haven't the map back when it had 2 snipers. At the beginning of the game, one team would always get both snipers and in turn they would gain full map control and push you back to your base with little to no effort. If that's been fixed, then fine. So what about the spawns? Have they been fixed yet?
The spawns have been modified so that there are less spawns in the area in which you achieved your spawn assassination, and more elsewhere. Further more I would like to point out that in any map that has static spawns (this map no longer does in Slayer) is susceptible to such spawns as you experienced. Especially when your team completely spreads out over the main spawning areas with no real teamwork such as in that clip in your FS. The sniper complaint (about one team grabbing both snipers) is the exact reason why there are no longer snipes on the map, but I feel that map knowledge is an essential requirement for any good MLG player, and maps that emphasise this are often great maps. Think Lockout. [br][/br]Edited by merge: because of the way this map fits together some of those ramps will be difficult to modify into 45 degree angles rather than the 90, but I can completely see where you are coming from and will keep that in mind for future maps. I'll also have a dig at changing them on this, but I don't make any promises. I have no idea what "H:CustomE-ra" is but....thanks? @ Rorak. I might have a look at decreasing the amount of jump ups in that area, but again I wont make any promises that you will see any changes. and to everyone else thanks for the comments.
Hahaha, sorry. I meant to type "H:Custom Edition-Era," or one of the epic modded PC maps that came out between the first Halo title and the second. They were ballin'
Oh, thanks ha ha. I thought it didn't make much sense. But I'm glad it reminds you of those as I wanted to have a CE feel to this map.
So happy there aren't random covenant barriers in the middle of that spawn room anymore!!! Waldo for president.
You have two Respawn Zones in the center of the map - one for odd ball and one for slayer. These ensure that team odd ball and team slayer use dynamic spawning. However, if you remove these two Respawn Zones, you will still have dynamic spawning for those games. Take a look at this cheat sheet at Forging Reach. It shows that the only games that are symmetrical from the engine's point of view are one round flag, bomb, and territory and FFA head hunter (oddly enough). Slayer and Odd ball will NEVER use the two Respawn Zones you have setup at the two bases. Also, by removing the two Respawn Zones in the center, you can add Stock Pile. Otherwise, it is an outstanding looking map (which is why I even bothered looking at it).
So what you are saying is if I set the team respawn zones in each base to symmetrical then they will only take effect during multiflag and neutral bomb. Therefore saving me from using the extra two in the middle of the map... I had sort of heard that in the past but was never sure exactly which gametypes were classified under Asym and which under Sym. So thanks for the tip, that will be helpful in setting up future maps.
I really like this map. It's clean, simple and plays very well. Your use of aesthetics is very well done, and one can only wonder at the thought of this being your first map post. Taco
Correct. And what is more, if you assign one zone to blue team and one to red team, but do not make the zones game specific, they will never match in FFA, which means head hunter won't become problematic either, though FFA head hunter is symmetrical. There are no blue nor red teams on FFA.
He obviously doesn't care about headhunter or any other non MLG gametypes if he's posting in the MLG section. *you now realize you are in the MLG section where there are good maps...* weird right?
Was able to get a look around this today, and I have to say I really like the idea of Chill Out being symmetrical. Your overall layout seems fluid, and I really enjoy the height variations that you have incorporated into the map. I would say the thing I like the most about this map is being able to jump onto the chill out pillars and reach the other side for a nice little flank. The only thing I did not like was probably the bottom of the base. Not a lot of places to run if you find yourself caught down there; aside from having to jump, which is a very slow process. Maybe adding a ramp would help? Anyways, would not mind getting a game on this.
Looks amazing even though I am not familiar with chill out from halo 1. Nice use of inclines/seperation of bases and the middle of the map.
"...and Max is quickly flabbergasted when he notices that Waldo wasn't lying about the forgehub favorite." (Puts mic in mouth) What do you know about forge Waldo? In all seriousness...if this map had the budget for two snipers, it would be on the circuit. You just said swagger so no. Bagpipes from Baghdad....