House of Death Humans start out in a weapons room with a roof to prevent zombies from getting in straight away, zombies start out in another room near the house. There is a house/bunker on the side of the map for the humans to hide in. There is also a tunnel of death in the middle of the map. The zombies enter from the roof although they have to go on top of the tunnel of death to reach it then grav hammer jump on top of the double box. There are staircases leading to each level and the one leading to the safest level is the closest to where the zombies spawn. This map is meant to be played with Infection220
Does not meet thread standards. You need pictures, i would send you a link to where you can figure out where to post properly, but I'm to lazy and i think you can find it. Anywhere under forge map forums.
This Map post does not meet the standards. Please read this topic on how to properly post maps. I am sure your map is good so please follow the guidelines so we can find out too!
we only need one person to say it doesnt meet standards by the SOUND of it it sounds good please get pics up and send me a pm if you need some help with them or read the link in my signature
sounds like it might be overstacked to the humans, but i hope you get those pics up so i can see, btw is the bunker the humans are in full of weapons, and if its not locked it should probably be under casual maps.