Grand Base Created by: Tyler0923 Game Type: Team Slayer, Assault, CTF Grand Base is pretty much 2 base the Grand Base, and the Attackers Base. Grand Base (which is larger) is in a pentagon like shape. Inside the Grand Base you''ll find 2 side routes that take you to a teleport that teleports you to the other side of the Grand Base so it's easier to move around. There are 2 stairs that take you to the first floor. On the first floor you'll see 2 double boxes that take you to the second floor. The second floor is where you would go to snipe people because there is 1 sniper and 2 carbines. If you jump over the barriers on the second floor you'll land on a platform. Here you'll see the enemy base, you'll also find on the platform (the front of Grand Base) camo, 2 plasma grenades and 2 Plasma Rifles, and a gravity hammer in side the little tunnel. The platform leads to the walls of the Grand Base. On both wall's there is 1 plasma turret. The Attackers Base is smaller but has more better weapons. Also you'll find 2 stairs leading up to the first floor of the Attackers Base. If you walk to the double box you'll find a grav lift. The grav lift can help you get into the Grand Base if your the attackers. Download Grand Base here Inside of Attackers Base Left Wall of Grand Base Right Wall of Grand Base Second Floor of Grand Base Front of Grand Base Inside of Grand Base Weapons & equipment on the ground floor: 2 Assault Rifles, 2 Battle Rifles, 2 brute shots, an overshield, 2 spikers and 2 spike grenades Weapons & equipment on the first floor: 2 SMG's, 2 plasma pistols, a power drain, and a machine gun turret Weapons & equipment on the second floor: 2 carbines, a sniper rifle, and a regenerator Weapons & equipment on platform(front of the Grand Base): 2 Plasma Rifles, 2 Plasma Grenades, Camo, a gravity hammer 2 firebombs, and a bubblle shield Weapons & equipment in Attackers Base: 2 needlers, 2 shotguns, a machine gun turret, 2 plasma rifles, a deployable cover, 2 assault rifles, and a grav lift
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they are right, even though its not done give us more pictures so we know what to expect when it does finally come out.
I am starting a public group where people can post maps that will be coming out soon. It will be called promos