lol, like that one guy said, don't post back to back, let alone back to back to back, simply edit your previous post, it looks like you triple & double posted, BUT this is not why im posting, I'm posting because i really like your interlocking you've done, this looks like a really uniquely fun map, it actually inspires me for a new map, just finished my last one, which is still in play testing stages, but this small hallways idea kinda gets me thinking...anyways, keep up the good work, and i can't wait to see more maps made by you, also, if i may suggest, try interlocking with the map. I can't imagine what you could create if you tried that out.
you assumed correctly and really good layout, i like it, though the white on the outside seems like alot :-D anyway, if i may suggest, edit your original post, and put this in there
well with photobucket even when i cropped the pics it kept them like the original images, like in the paint app. the screen is so huge it is hard to orient the drawings big enough. But I tried atleast
This looks pretty good. It works well. The interlocking is good to. I also love the attention to detail on the chute opening and lining up the walls:
this map looks really good, but when i saw the weapon choices i was really shut down, shotgun and rockets might be a little too overpowering on such a small map.
are you kidding? Someone else used the idea of vents? Bah, I knew i shoulda posted my vent map awhile ago, but I guess I wanted it to be tested and balanced (unlike my other maps cause I don't have anyone to play custom games with) I guess I've been too lazy to post it, but you made your vents look good. It kinda seems small, but that's ok. I think im gonna dl this and check out how you think a ventilation system should be made and compare it to mine just for kicks.
Alright I've been getting a lot of comments about the weapons, so to calm your complaints heres why they work. 1. The rocks have only two bullets in them with 180 sec spawn, so they are rarely on the map to begin with. As well the attackers have equipment (i.e. bubble shield, re-gen, flare, and grav; firebombs, spikes) so if you use the bubble, the rock guy can really only kill you if he wants to be suicidal and blow himself up. Also, from the many times I've played this it's generally unlikely that he will get two kills with them (kill with every bullet). As well, using equipment combined with the firebombs (as an attacker) pretty much can own the rock guy as he passes hallways. 2. The shotty only has a single clip and a 60 sec respawn, so yet again it is rarely on the map. As well just with taking out the rocks guy it is relatively easy to take down the guards (defenders) by combing equipment use with grenade use. So don't worry I have rigorously tested this map and every weapon is there for a reason. P.S. In v2, which I will be starting soon, I plan to add power drain to attacker side and switch starting weapon to magnum. Post if you agree to this addition.
Just DL'd and played this map a while back. It's really cool! It reminds me of something that my friends and I would use at one of our Halo 3 LANs. This map really has a "personalized" feel to it. I think that everyone I know would seriously enjoy this map! As far as the weapons go, I can see that a lot of thought was put into it. I wouldn't change a thing. The interlocking is some of the best I've ever seen. I also like that trick with the underground teleporter. 10 out of 10! Starting out with the magnum would give it more of an "authentic" feel, and add the the flavor of the game quite nicely. If you are going to make it the starter, though, I would suggest getting rid of shields, otherwise it wouldn't work. That's just my opinion though.
wow this has change a lot scince i told you it didn't fit the rules. the asthetics are incredible but the only thing is tha the tunnles are very common now but the werid thing is actually makes me want to play it . dunno why. 4.5/5
yeah, the only negative aspect to making it no shields though would be that the nades/BR would just demolish everything else so I may just keep it as is, however if I up damage enough, maybe to MLG standards the magnum could work as a starting weapon. But thanks for the posts, they really help a lot for determining what to change in the next version. P.S. I never make more than 2 versions because it just becomes unoriginal after that so really I need v2 perfect. So anyone else have suggestions?
Yeah the map works extremely well with any of the following(asymmetric versions only): Territories, VIP, and Assault
Ok by far this is the most fun I've ever had in territories. Me and a group of 6 played for 3 hours straight on this map and it never got old. Please make more!