MLG MLG splashes

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by HOMY, Sep 9, 2011.

  1. HOMY

    HOMY Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    update MLG splashes v7


    Currently Splashes is my best MLG map and due to that I present it here in the MLG forum.
    I spend much time on this map, had many ups and many downs but anyhow I suceed in creating a final version of it.
    I'm very proud of the community for helping me bringing the map on that perfect playable level.
    In my opinion it's not very useful to build a map which is awesome for the forger itself but badass for the players
    and the community hence it was my goal to materialize the imaginations of the community - and it definitely was a success.

    Special thanks to:

    - RapKillaHARDISS
    - Moccabeast
    - ChAoZz
    - SpLiiZY
    - VinTaGeZz
    - SparTan Ad1
    - x Up DowN
    - Zcopez
    - Real Thug1971
    - TL zAiirmaX
    - vF SiLenT
    - GGC Clan

    Further informations about the map:
    It took approximately 1 year to create it.
    I build that map without any ideas.
    The design was a result of the gameplay and the feedback of the Halo community.
    The desires of the community shall be fulfilled with my map.
    The spawn system was a enormous challenge for me but after many gametestings and some changes
    I slowly began to understand how everything works and so I perfected the whole spawn system.

    [HD] MLG SPLASHES by SE7ENGINE from F2P Halo Reach map , koth, ctf, ffa - YouTube

    SPLASH call outs for Arena Gaming - YouTube

    Arena Gaming Tournament Tour, Vote for Halo, and more! - YouTube










    #1 HOMY, Sep 9, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2012
    Blaze likes this.
  2. RejectedSnail

    RejectedSnail Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This map seems pretty solid. One thing tho is that it seems a bit to enclosed, but that's just from the pictures and video. Also where the teams spawn is to small, in my opinion. But the forging seems like it's great...If you would ever like another person to help test, add me GT: RejectedSnail.
  3. HOMY

    HOMY Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    The map looks small from it is not but you MuSt times they test is to play very well

    Edited by merge:

    the map is something different with the spawn or weapon system layout
    #3 HOMY, Sep 10, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2011
  4. Crysis1110

    Crysis1110 Forerunner

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    Ha that map is looking very good I love the initial spawns it looks nice and the blue and red tunnels realy suit this map.I like it overall 9.5/10
  5. Moccabeast

    Moccabeast Forerunner

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    Wow this map is awesome. We played a 4 vs 4 CTF game and it was alot of fun ;) The aesthetic on this map is just great and the gameplay is fast but fine. I think this map should be in MLG-matchmaking ;) The forging is very good, there are no bumps or sth. like that. At the beginning it was a bit confusing but with the time I got used to this map. The weapon-layout is also good so the map isn't overpowered. So SE7ENGINE good job and make more ;)

    Soo homy. deine map ist echt hammer. Wie oben gesagt der Aufbau und das Design ist richtig gut und das Gameplay is zwar schnell aber gut. Das "geforgte" selbst ist seehr genau ohne iwelche Kanten oder ähnliches. Am Anfang war die map ein bisschen verwirrend aber man gewöhnt sich nach kurzer zeit dran. Die Waffen sind gut plaziert, die map ist nicht überpowerd. Alsoo Homy mach mehr ;)

  6. xzamplez

    xzamplez Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    What up Se7en, it's good to see you post this.

    If this is intended for MLG, I will tell you current issues in regards to typical MLG Gameplay.

    If you simplify the layout, this map is essentially a circle with a cross in the center with very limited lines of sight and very subtle height variation. What this means is that strategy will rarely be used, instead it is more of a free for all with teams.

    The most powerful position on the map is the center, but a player can cross the map with the player on the power position only seeing him for a few seconds, which makes going top mid rather pointless. It also means that there is no way to control the map.

    Very clean and innovative forging, but the layout is almost too simplistic, has short lines of sight, and no useful power positions. It's a good map for a free for all or a competitive gametype, but MLG is not its strong suit as of now.

    I recommend giving the map more depth, more height variation, more LoS, and more routes.
  7. HOMY

    HOMY Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    This map has to be a mlg map I have something else built it is to play optiema.

    just what to say if you played on it
    Thank you for your verdict

    Edited by merge:

    I will in future only those cards because open easily build maps are crap
    closed maps are best you have to bring in security can
    #7 HOMY, Sep 10, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2011
  8. xzamplez

    xzamplez Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    It's really difficult to understand what you are trying to say, but I believe you said open maps are crap, which isn't true. Both open and closed maps can play well if designed appropriately.

    You map is room based which is great, but room based maps only play well when they have good LoS. Your map has very limited LoS which means that there is little strategy involved and promotes individual skill rather than teamwork.

    The worst thing you could do in response to feedback is become defensive. I stated what the problems are, why they are problems, and how you could fix them.

    Like I said, the map looks nice, but the layout is overly simplistic.
  9. Moccabeast

    Moccabeast Forerunner

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    Yes, he doesn't like open maps ;) But so do i cause i think on 'closed' maps the focus is more on the gameplay than on open maps. Open maps can be good throught ;) You said : "It also means that there is no way to control the map". Is that a problem?! Your right sometimes it promotes individual skill rather than teamwork And yes the layout is very simple but in my opinion ok . Have you played on this map yet? Sry for my bad english ;)
    #9 Moccabeast, Sep 10, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2011
  10. xzamplez

    xzamplez Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Personally, my favorite designs are room based asymmetrical maps, so I have no biased opinion about the style of the map.

    In MLG the team that has better teamwork gets rewarded with map control or "set ups". Remember, I am referring to MLG play style because this map is in the MLG section.

    Simple designs are fine, but what most people fail to realize is that the more simplistic a map is, the more repetitive it is going to play, which means that it will not have good replay value. Also an overly simplistic room base, such as this, will give players very few choices of how to traverse the map which makes the flow of the map predictable and repetitive.

    I am only giving you this feedback so if you decide to design another MLG map, you will be more aware of what kind of gameplay works on Halo: Reach MLG.
  11. HOMY

    HOMY Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    try them and you will change your opinion

    or not so thank you for your feedback

    Edited by merge:

    Although everything is weird but works
    #11 HOMY, Sep 14, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2011
  12. Moccabeast

    Moccabeast Forerunner

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    I agree with the most parts but i think it also works fine with MLG-Teamslayer or objective :) But overall your right that the map is maybe too simplistic.
  13. SpLiiZzY

    SpLiiZzY Forerunner

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    cool map that you have built there
    the aesthetics is the hammer
    The colors for the call outs are great.

    Edited by merge:

    the photos you've made ​​have become rotten
    you can not see the aesthetics of good on the pictures
    and game play the map is to play very well
    So keep it up .
    #13 SpLiiZzY, Oct 16, 2011
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2011
  14. HOMY

    HOMY Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    at least you know to appreciate my stuff
  15. SpLiiZzY

    SpLiiZzY Forerunner

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    and because you've built so much I'm not surprised that the map defines
  16. HOMY

    HOMY Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    yes I've been very careful that the map defines
    I've used it very long 2 months
    and I have built several times
  17. SparTan Ad1

    SparTan Ad1 Ancient
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    I can remember the first design's of this map. The bottom midd looked a bit diffrent with the groundobjects. But as it is now it looks ****ing awesome :D
    I have played this map with some friends and they all where talking high stuff ;). The gameplay fits very good for MLG. Each "base" and the hallways to their left and right give me a nice aesthetic feeling. And the most of all is the bottom midd and this pillar with the sniper, they're great ;).

    Also one two cool mlg jumps included and the weapon layout looks excellent for this map.
    I just can recommand this great map to all buddies in the HaloUniverse ;)

    Go on HOMY !!
  18. HOMY

    HOMY Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Thank you for your great feedback
    I think it's good that you've played the map
  19. Korlash

    Korlash Remember Isao
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    woah, I didn't realize this map was released.

    For it's size, I was surprised how this map supported 4v4 games as well as FFA games. I personally think this map plays better for FFA though, which isn't a bad thing.

    It's a pretty intersting layout
  20. HOMY

    HOMY Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I know you think the map is too small
    but it is big enough to play team

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