Voting And the Nominations are... Ark Hivemind Metropolis Mineral Orbis Voting ends Friday, September 16th!
Nox, I dont think I'm supposed to see the current voting results? am I wrong or is something wrong with the options?
IM NEVER TELLING!!!!!!!! Seriously, though. These maps are pretty good. I had a hard choice Feelings will be hurt, and people will be hurt if anyone knows which I voted for.
Noxiw don't make another post. Look at your post count. Also, I was about to vote Metropolis, but I said meh, let's take a look at Hivemind. Now I can't decide if my life depended on it. Noxiw Edit: Looks I'll have to edit posts from here on out. Too awesome to pass up.
I love Hivemind and Metropolis (and of course Ark and Orbis, as I have played and loved both of these.) Metropolis has it though, map packers gotta stick together. I'll vote Hivemind when I can hack a second vote in.
I have too much pride to vote for my own map, haven't played Mineral, Hivemind isn't my cup of tea, hmmm.
I'm gonna go with Hivemind. It's new, semi original, and looks like it could spark interest in different types of BTB maps.
Seeing as I've played Ark the most and Flamingo worked really hard on it, that's going to be my vote. Good luck, everyone.
Wow, I've actually played all but one of these. Metropolis and Hivemind are both fantastic BTB maps, Orbis is a pretty good 4v4, and Ark is a good 2v2. My vote's going with Metropolis, as I was actually impressed when I played it for the first time, and I love the Headlong feel. Hivemind is not far behind though.
The rare quintuple insult. Well played, Blofeld. I could see 3v3 even, but every 4v4 test I've been in on Orbis (which is several) was too frantic for its own good. Definitely a great 2v2 map.
Your right, Id say it fits the 8v8 category. These maps are all well done, and it was a tough decision, Good luck to all.