***Updated download link, no massive changes, just a bit of tweaking : ) *** I will thank anyone now in advance for any comments, downloads, etc, its means a lot to me as this map took a long time to make : ) Hello, This is my latest map; imaginatively named Factory, because... well it's a Factory. It is a SMALL, PERFECTLY SYMMETRICAL MAP specifically designed for CLASSIC SWAT. (although it does work for other classic slayer variants) This means when looking at the 'movement' base player traits in the game type it should read from top to bottom 120, 125 and 150, If I remember correctly. This map took me a week to make. Answering the comments the lower level of the map does take some inspiration from part of a map I saw in the classic playlist I have just found out its called Elongation. I joined Halo about two years ago so I don't know anything else about that map or its layout. The rest of the map should look nothing like it...lol, I hope... Now on to the pics: ^ Looking from bottom center to red side. Blue side is exactly the same. ^ ^ See? ^ Top center, highly contested bridge. There are grav lifts from the first floor that lead to either end of this. Also plays host the Grenade launcher in non swat gametypes. There are also loads of jumps that will take you around and on to the higher level of the map quickly via the crates and ledges. And I repeat, this map needs classic settings that means the 'movement' base player traits in the game type should read from top to bottom 120, 125 and 150. It works perfectly and is designed for Classic Swat. Thanks for looking at the thread, feedback, comments or just bumps (-jokes...) are appreciated! By mcclintonsl.
i like it, reminds me of that one space station in halo 2... cant remember what its called. maybe if you use the door pieces, you can make it look like a crane. gonna try this out
looks very nice I like the design I was just wondering doesnt this look like this Halo 2 map but I cant remmember the name and BTW the map Im talkin bout isnt a SPACE STATION
Do the teams start facing each other with virtually no cover? I haven't checked this map out yet but from the pics I get the impression that you will get initial spawn raped.
Its alright mate we all have posts that plummet, it gets us down, but, just keep on plowing on, Not Only popular people make great things, on the contrair the ones that lurk in the shadows create the masterpieces, and speaking of which im looking at your map from what i can see, i'm liking the simplicity, while keeping the attention to detail, using the ramp stuns for a moving platform looks really spiffy, and the walkway larges fit nicely into the map, as well do the doors with the power ups over them, keep up the good work, il be looking for more maps by you
Ok that's it now, im need to comment lol. @ DjShiftD and Crysis1110 like NANGIE said (Thank you) the map your thinking of is Elongation from Halo 2. I did get some inspiration from a remake in the classic playlist, but other than that its all I know and remember about the map as I did not play Halo 2. Only the bottom mid of the map is like that. The rest of the map is completely different. And I can conform after research, elongation is situated in Space. @Naughty Badger, the initial spawns do not get as, you put it so nicely, 'raped' They are surrounded by high walls, with two safe exit platforms each side at the back of the bases. Players have three exits from each base, so they are cleared very quickly. There is also ten crates in the center that offer plenty of cover. Thanks for the concern : ) @zocho Thanks alot, maybe I was being a bit (ok very) negative lol. Thanks for the comments and advice, really nice of you : ) @TOMisHIGH Thanks alot! Yeah, I don't like maps where there are only a couple of routes to get to the main part. The tac jumps are a nice way to move around the map quickly and surprise opponents by popping up next to them : ) Thanks for all the comments guys!
This map looks awesome! I really like how all the tac jumps make up for the missing pathways up to the top. You created a very distinct feel throughout the map, good work Mcclintonsl