Soooo... 4800 msp, what do I buy? Ok guys and gals, I went to the local Walmart this afternoon and bought me 1600 msp only to find I already had 400 on my account, so I now have 2000 (enough to buy a 1200 point game and a 800 point game). I obviously looked on the marketplace to see what is out there, since the last time I actually had my xbox connected to the internet was pretty much a year ago... needless to say there are MANY arcade games that are out that I think look good, but I honestly have no idea what I should buy. Mind you I have some ideas what I want and am trying some trials out, but I want to see what you guys opinion on what I should buy is. I will list what I already have so you don't go telling me to buy something I already have. Have: •Castle Crashers •Cellfactor: PW •Gel •Geometry Wars Evolved2 •Greed Corp. •Marathon: Durandal •Marble Blast Ultra •N+ •Portal: Still Alive •Splosion Man •Trials HD •Shadow Complex •I maed a gam3 w1th zomb1es in it Interested in already: •Scott Pilgrim the Game (played trial) •Trenched •Bastion •Gatling Gears •From Dust •Dead Rising 2: Case West •Half-Minute Hero •Trouble Witches Neo •Super Meat Boy (played trial) •Tales of Vesperia •Blazblue CS •Super Street Fighter IV So, if any of you guys can help me out here, I'd really appreciate it, and if you can think of a game on demand that is in my price range worth buying feel free to mention that too. P.S. I want a game with a solid single player or local multiplayer experience, being as I am not going to be renewing my xbox live subscription in any foreseeable future. EDIT: I caved in and bought more points... I have 4800 now, you can adjust your recommendations to include games on demand now. (I also bought Shadow Complex, so no need to say it anymore) Just don't say Fallout... I absolutely hate that game, I cannot stand it.
Super Meat Boy. There isn't one thing I hate about the game, as most of my problems with it stem from my own error as a player instead of game mechanics. Definitely worth the money.
Wrecked Revenge Revisited - YouTube BattleBlock Theater Official Trailer - YouTube Xbox LIVE Arcade - Portal: Still Alive - YouTube Braid Trailer - YouTube Limbo - Treacherous World Gameplay | HD - YouTube
I would say; Limbo (shortish, but sweet) Super Meat Boy Braid Shadow Complex Torchlight (only get if you like to grind) Insanely Twisted: Shadow Planet (good, but it is short, I'd get the trial first) Comic Jumper (alright, funny, has some replayability) Earthworm Jim HD (nostalgists dream) Either of the Dishwasher games PowerUp Forever (name suggests what it is, only play if you have a lot of spare time) Any of the 2D Sonic games, but mainly 3 and S&K That's all I can think of right now, I'll update with more if I can think of any that would be good.
Shadow Complex is one of the best games in the XBLA. You should definitely get it. Or you could get Certain Affinity's game, Crimson Alliance. I think its more based around multiplayer but you can play it solo. I haven't tried it yet, though.
It is for XBLA, I saw a few ads when I logged in for it, didnt really pay much attention to it though due to the fact I had no clue what it was. Right now I am leaning towards buying Shadow Complex and Scott Pilgrim the Game, but nothing is set in stone right now, I could easily change my mind if someone brings up something else good. I really want what I get to be a massive timesink, due to the fact I have literally nothing I do all day, everyday, being as I am jobless (actually am looking for jobs too). But anything that has good replayablity and a story (like I have heard Shadow Complex does, I could be wrong though.) would be great. Thanks for the input so far guys, keep it coming.
I maed a gam3 w1th zomb1es in it. Unless you have epilepsy or are just prone to getting seizures due to ridiculous amounts of bright, flashing lights.
I do like MK, but I think I would rather go street fighter if I went for an old fighting game. Or the Capcom vs Marvel one. Just a matter of preference.
If you like dungeon crawlers at all, go with Torchlight. It's an excellent single player crawler, and the random dungeon generation and endless loot should keep you playing for hours upon hours. The sequel, which will have multiplayer, will be out on PC later this year. It's sure to make its way to the Xbox again, too.
Torchlight and Super Meat Boy are must plays. I was one of the few people who didn't enjoy Limbo all that much. Braid is great, though.