To those of you who were here before last December, you know what this is. And you know you love it. Alternatively, for those who made their acquaintance with Forge Hub in the early months of 2011, you may very well be wondering what the Caption Contest is. The Caption Contest is a biweekly competition where we dive into community created screenshots of situations in Halo that could potentially be the setting for significant comedic value. While the image itself may not be very novel, it becomes your job in this competition to to make the image as funny as possible. Simply come up with a remark, caption, dialogue, or even a story to go along with the image to make the reader giggle at it a bit more or even burst at the seams laughing. That is all you have to do. Provide a witty caption for the picture below and the one that makes us laugh out loud the hardest wins. Naturally, there are a couple rules that come with this little competition and they are as follows: • Each member is limited to only one caption. If you post an entry but later come up with a better one, simply edit your original post with the new caption in place of the old. • Please keep your submissions within our forum rules; avoid offensive language, racism, comments disclosing another member’s identity, and any other inappropriate content. • You may NOT post a caption that may offend another member. • No discussion in the Caption Contest thread! This is for submissions only. Outside of those you are welcome to write whatever you wish. Just try to make it bearable. Any submission that breaks these rules will be deleted and will receive and infraction! The deadline for submissions is next Thursday and the winner will be announced in the next article. The assassination mechanic in Reach has paved way for some albeit interesting interactions between two player models. Given the right angle, these animations can produce some funny or downright dirty situations. Take this for example: If it was not blatantly obvious, this is also the picture you will be captioning this week. So put your wit-caps on and get your ideas in by next Thursday. You are allotted to use any editing software available to you to make your point or you may simply write your caption into the text editor. The choice is yours and does not directly influence the choice of winner either way. Should you win the Caption Contest you will be awarded a Custom Title reading "The Joker" to reflect your jocular value. A runner-up will also be selected, but instead of receiving the Custom Title, he will simply receive an honorable mention in the next Caption Contest article. Let the funniest man win. GO!
*in Steve Irwin voice* Right! This is a rare red Spartan. Now let's see if I can sneak up on it and stick my thumb in its butthole. That should really piss it off... *sticks thumb in Spartans butthole* YEP! THAT'S DONE IT! IT'S REALLY PISSED OFF NOW!!!