Creek Crossing

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Tallt66, Sep 8, 2011.

  1. Tallt66

    Tallt66 The Joker
    Senior Member

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    Hello fellow forgers!

    I was looking for a place to forge when I ran across this little creek on the island that was begging to have a bridge built over it, so I did...


    I then thought it's be fun to make this the center and only use natural rocks for the rest of the map, making the bridge the only "Forerunner Structure". I added some crates, camp stools, health packs, and human vehicles to either end to make camps for the two teams.

    Overhead view, blue starts upper left and red starts right center

    Red Start

    Blue Start

    Weapons are balanced for each team and the bridge is the same distance from each teams starting point.
    Here are some more screen shots...

    Red's Turret

    Blue's Turret

    Rockets spawn under the bridge with one clip and a long respawn

    Overall it seems like a well balanced map that is a blast to play with classic settings which gives it a Halo CE feel. I playtested with some friends and 4vs4 was a lot of fun on Capture the Flag, King of the Hill, and Oddball. It's nice to play on something that's not so grey and brown.


    I should have a solid version of Creek Crossing posted soon, I just wanted to get some of your opinions on it before I posted it up. If you want to give it a go it's on my file share now. Let me know what you think.
  2. I Black I Eye I

    I Black I Eye I Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks ö.Ö nice...
    It's quite rare to see a map without nearly any all-of-the-time-gray forge-objects :D

    There's just one thing that you could overthink ;)

    Picture -> Red Start:
    Add a Rock-Arch there :p (looks kind of empty back thur..)
    If you got one more natural object left, use it (always good to have some geometryparts in the map where you can simply hide.. walk around)
    Gives a path/paths and flow into the map.
    Spin it around that it directs to the way the players are coming from, or turn it with the opened side 90° directed to the players coming to block a bit etc.
    think about it^^

    good work, keep forging xD
    I can haz natural map? lol
  3. DavidJCobb

    DavidJCobb Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Looks nice, and the bridge is cleverly-built, too.

    A tip of my own: Arches have a flat-ish side that is extremely useful for creating walls. Using many Arches in combination with an existing cliff can lead to a nice, smooth, but still natural-looking boundary wall.
  4. Tallt66

    Tallt66 The Joker
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the feedback. I took the red start screen shot a little high. It's hard to tell it from that picture, but red start has cover with the crates, trees, and rocks. The dirt looks like a path leading the player around to where he should go. I am totally out of budget on rocks so I'd have to eliminate something to do what you are suggesting.

    Also adding an arch there would make driving the Warthog through the area more difficult. As the map is now it's fairly smooth driving around the map (in fact race may be a lot of fun on here. I test drove a mongoose around over and under the bridge for a while and it was fun just by myself!).

    I will test some more and if it's possible and makes sense I may add some more cover to red start. Red already seems to have a slight advantage with the high ground so I didn't want to give them too much cover.

    Thanks again, you have given me something to think about. If you get a chance, download the map from my file share and give it a walk through and tell me what you think.

    Thanks! I know I could have thrown down a Large Bridge piece and would have been done, but what's the fun in that? I figured if the bridge is the centerpiece it should be interesting.

    I like what you are saying about the arches. I always looked at the flat bottom as an aggravating part that I have to hide because it looks unnatural, but I never thought of using the flat area only as a smooth wall. Great idea! I will have to try some things with that.

    Thanks for your feedback!
  5. I Black I Eye I

    I Black I Eye I Ancient
    Senior Member

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    AH didn't thought about the good old vehicles there :D
    I'll try to drive around with a mongoose... under the bridge :p
  6. physcopirahna6

    physcopirahna6 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    After having a look at this I can see a very Halo CE feel to it and I'm loving it, As said before it is nice and refreshing to see a map that isn't dominated by all the grey objects of forge.

    It is looking great at the moment looks like a winner to me
  7. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    My only concern is that you have two warthogs in the map and next to no cover except the natural geometry. Bearing in mind that the Warthogs have superior speed and weaponry, any person on foot is at a severe disadvantage as the Rocket Launcher is on a high respawn.

    It may be morth worthwhile switching them out for Ghosts instead as they're more lacking in the firepower department, although they will be much easier to maneuvre throughout your map.
  8. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    Stevo, Ghosts would be too maneuverable, allowing them to easily dominate everything. Warthogs do have more firepower, but looking at the paths they have available and considering the effect of an AR on the reach-smart-car-weight warthog it will have a lot of trouble. I'd be much more worried about that turrets that appear to have a really good view of the enemy's side of the map and no counter paths.

    Talt, if you copy the download hi-res link and post that between image tags you can get full size screenshots.
    #8 pyro, Sep 10, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2011
  9. Tallt66

    Tallt66 The Joker
    Senior Member

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    Thanks physcopirahna6, this simple map has been a surprising favorite of mine already. This map started as me just goofing around with the bridge.

    Thatks Stevo for your comment and interest. I play tested with about 8 people and the warthogs didn't seem overpowered to us. There are lots of places to dodge the hogs and get to cover. Also don't forget there are 4 plasma greandes near the bridge to stop the hogs, two high ground turrets, 2 snipers, as well as rockets to level the playing field with the hogs. I'd rather not use covey vehicles if I can. I'm trying to make the aesthetics look like two spartan camps and a covey ghost just would fit into that scenario. I do thank you for your suggestions. I appreciate all feedback from you guys.

    I do agree the rockets did seem to respawn a bit to often at 90 seconds. I do only have it set to one clip though. I think I will try increasing the respawn time and see how it plays.

    Agreed on the hogs vs ghosts.

    The turrets do have a good vantage point, but the distance they are from the enemy's camp makes them very inaccurate. It's pretty easy to run though the turrets sight line window on the other end and take very little damage before getting to cover. I will try to play test with the turrets more to see if they are too powerful, and change something there if necessary.

    I am still trying to figure out the best way to post the images. Here are the steps I took, maybe you can tell me how to do it better:

    1. I took the screen shots and uploaded them to my file share
    2. I downloaded the high res version to my PC from my file share
    3. I uploaded the files to photobucket and linked to the photbucket images in the post using the image url button.

    Is this not the best way? Please tell me more. I'd like the images to look the best that they can look. Thanks!
  10. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    Fileshare is unnecessary. You can get them out of your recent screenshots
    You can get larger images from your recent screenshots by copying the download hi-res link if you don't need the images to stay active for long. That's generally good for map previews where people need to see small details. I think image shack can upload the full size images if you want them in the final post for some reason. The url for recent screenshots stays active until you take enough screenshots to push them off the list.
  11. Tallt66

    Tallt66 The Joker
    Senior Member

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    Thank you, I have learned something today! I have never noticed the recent screenshots page before. I think photobucket is reducing my image sizes so I will have to see about getting an image shack account. Thanks again!
  12. Skater

    Skater Halo Reach Era
    Senior Member

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    Very interesting, I like how you isolated a usually unused spot on Forgeworld, and made it work without lot's of the forge pieces. I think that you could build some small structures, if you were to keep the warthogs. But other than that it's really good.

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