Halo Pinball

Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by petetheduck, Jun 20, 2011.

  1. petetheduck

    petetheduck Cartographer Emeritus
    Forge Critic

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    Once upon a time, Hedgemony said, "Hey Pete, you should make a pinball game in Halo!"


    #1 petetheduck, Jun 20, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2011
  2. rid3relite

    rid3relite Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Wow this looks awesome. I really like how you made objects score-able and how you used the land mines.
  3. mcclintonsl

    mcclintonsl Forerunner

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    It's not a new concept but it looks the best, the mechanics are brilliant, like the mines and stuff.

    GsRREAPERxFS Forerunner

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    I have tried it and well its simply awesome i just find the mines dont always send the ball high enough other than that its gud also its only one player so make more players able to play.
  5. Packeranatic

    Packeranatic Forerunner

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    This is awesome! Although in the video it seems like it doesn't play as fast as pinball it's a nice adaptation.

    My biggest question: How did you find the right tilt for the pinball area? Also, have you considered any other weapons? Such as the DMR, or Concussion Rifle? Also also, what's the highest score you've ever seen?
  6. petetheduck

    petetheduck Cartographer Emeritus
    Forge Critic

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    Yeah, the ball can be a little slow sometimes. That's the main reason I let the players shoot the ball--a little extra feature to compensate for how wonky the Halo ball is sometimes.

    I just played around with angles until I was happy with the speed that the ball was rolling. The lower section is 45, the upper section is 47 (because when both were 45, the ball would bounce off the grid seam and fly off the map).

    I thought about the DMR, but the sniper worked well enough. Since the landmines trigger the ball, I didn't want to use any explosive weapons.

    I haven't seen anyone else's score yet, so the promo vid is the highest I know of :)

    Edited by merge:

    I fiddled around with the mines, but I'm happy with how they work. It makes getting to the top part a challenge, which I think is good.

    This map was one of the simplest projects I've had, from a mechanism standpoint. I'm sure it's possible to let more players play, but that's just effort I didn't want to invest at the time :)
    #6 petetheduck, Jun 21, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2011
  7. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Wow, if this is the kind of brilliant content people are putting out now then I've missed a lot. I don't know the mechanics to the gametype but using various objects as goals was pretty clever. I think my only gripe with this is that it seems too slow paced as someone else said, but other than that maybe touch up on the aesthetic details of the map (like maybe hide the protruding blue flooring that extends out beyond the play area), maybe even throw in a filter or two for a more genuine arcade experience, but otherwise really good job man.
    #7 Rifte, Jun 21, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2011
  8. Katanga

    Katanga Ancient
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    It's about time I did a real review.

    I downloaded pinball today and was very impressed. When the insane gametype was released, I never even dreamed of seeing a functional pinball table on Forge World. Sure, we've seen countless pinball games made by people in the Halo 3 days, but what really sets this map apart is the scoring system.

    I love how the table rewards you for hitting portions of the map, and the land mines work spectacularly as flippers, giving you the control you'd expect from a pinball table. Hell, if you feel like cheating you an shoot the ball, which feels a bit like shaking a pinball table.

    Aesthetically, the map definitely feels like a Halo themed pinball table. The logo, the iconic Blood Gulch base and Ascension antennae, even how the ball scores 7 points at a time (nice Bungie reference there). It really gives off the impression that you were trying to capture. I agree with Rifte that some areas could do with an aesthetic retouch, and i'd love to see you collaborate with aesthetic forgers to create a table that really stands out.

    There were some gameplay limitations however. Firstly some areas, such as behind the teleporter rock to the bottom left, were really difficult to get to, and yet gave no real reward for accessing. While you've done a spectacular job recreating the aesthetics of a pinball table, you could have done with adapting the aesthetics to add scoring zones to hard-to-reach places. Furthermore, I found the top portion INCREDIBLY difficult to get to. Eventually, I gave up and stuck to the bottom portion, which is a shame. I suppose it's probably due to my inexperience with Halo pinball, but I found it a little frustrating.

    Criticisms aside, I really enjoyed this map. The scoring system will forever have me competing for a high score, and the viewing platform means I can watch my friends fail miserably while i sit and drink some tea.

    I'm not one for numerical ratings, but I'd say this is a strong 8/10, losing a couple of points for some of the criticisms mentioned above. If you followed Rifte's suggestions, and perhaps reworked the table to suit your fantastic flipper system as best as possible, you'd have a solid 10/10 mini game on your hands.

    Pete, you've done it again. :)
  9. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    I had this idea when Reach first came out I was gonna use trip mines to fling "Radio antennas" but since there not in forgeworld using just the mine works just as good.

    But I would make it steeper and more points at the top end because it seems harder to get the ball up there so needs more rewards for getting it there and maybe make a life system so missing the ball has consequences and 3 misses ends game like real pinball.

    That way people who play it could be competitive with high scores or make it smaller and make more than 1 pinball table to compete within the one game.
  10. petetheduck

    petetheduck Cartographer Emeritus
    Forge Critic

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    First, thanks for taking the time to do such a thorough review!

    I agree with everything you said except the difficulty to reach the top part. I liked that it was harder.. perhaps there should have been more rewards once you got up there, though.

    I've actually been really surprised by the response to this map. Had I known, I would have definitely put in an extra week's work to spruce it up, add multiple player support, maybe some skull fountaions.

    The truth is, I made the map at the request of a Halo community member rather than my own personal motivations. I think that showed--there are obvious shortcomings. I released it anyway under this frame of mind:

    -With the Halo Ball gametype, a pinball map is a piece of cake to make. Anyone can do it. Some Forge concepts only need to be done well once (i.e., Rock-Paper-Scissors)..I don't think the same can be said of Pinball. Even if this map was perfect, the concept is still worth repeating. I don't think there needs to be one, definitive pinball map--I think there could easily be several great ones, all with different table layouts for different experiences.

    So yeah, I'm kicking myself now for not going the extra mile on this map. All shortcomings aside, I still think it's a fun map that plays great. Eye candy doesn't change that, extra player support doesn't change that either. I guess it's like eating cake, but you could be eating cake with whipped cream and ice cream on it too.

    I won't be revising the map--I've moved on to other things. But I hope to see what other Forgers do with pinball!
  11. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I am so super sad that you've posted this map :'(

    I've been working on a Pinball map for a few months now, I'm just glad the scoring and actual gameplay bits behind it are different. Oh well :(

    Good job on the details though, it looks like a reall cool pinball map :)
  12. petetheduck

    petetheduck Cartographer Emeritus
    Forge Critic

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    Hey! Read my last post--I WANT to see more pinball maps!

    If you like my scoring system--use it. I don't think I need any credit. The map is super simple to set up.
  13. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Nah, I've got my own little system going.

    It's head to head 1v1 pinball and when you lose the ball down the bottom it kills you. I was going to set it so when you score at the top it kills your opponent, but it's too hard >.<

    Cheers anyway though... and yeah, I read your last post.. But I wanted to be the first to make a pinball map lol. I was super stoked that no one had thought of the idea when I had the idea down :(
  14. Adelyss

    Adelyss Hotdishhh
    Senior Member

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    Your download links must lead directly to the file itself not your fileshare...failure to correct this within one hour will result in a lock.
  15. petetheduck

    petetheduck Cartographer Emeritus
    Forge Critic

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    Links have been revised.

    I'm surprised moderators enforce such a short deadline--I don't check ForgeHub hourly, especially for threads that are 2 days old. I was lucky to notice your warning within the time limit.

    Also, the links went directly to a FILE SET, not my fileshare. The file set contained the map, gametype, and a demo vid. I find file sets are convenient because it allows me to post updated versions of the maps to my fileshare without seeking out and revising the associated ForgeHub thread. Especially useful for maps that were posted several weeks or months ago. I think it would benefit ForgeHub to permit the use of file set linkage.
  16. BigWillMcD

    BigWillMcD Forerunner

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    how do you do the scoring system? msge me plz
  17. G0DLYP4ND4

    G0DLYP4ND4 Forerunner

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    Not to be rude but I have seen a pinball before that used the exact forge mechanics, scoring system, and land mine concept. The other map was also posted before yours. I'm not saying you copied him, just they are very similar maps, but yours is better. :)
  18. Naughty Badger

    Naughty Badger Forerunner
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    I saw this on Youtube and loved it! The concept is not original but this is by far the best pinball map ever. Have you considered making it so there are two pinball "machines" and also two teams of two? This way you would have a competitive thrive to score as much as you can and use teamwork to score points. Just an idea.
  19. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
    Senior Member

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    Who cares?

    As for the map. I just tried it. It was fun for a few minutes. Like someone said before, why did you make the top portion so difficult to reach? I like how the table is tilted, I just feel that it's tilted a little too much. If you make another pinball map, I have a cool suggestion. Why not make a ball shooting mechanism. Like a slot on the right that you shoot that sends the ball flying up a channel to the top, just like in real pinball. I also think it would be more realistic if the ball could pass the flippers and then reset to the shooting slot on the right side just like in real pinball. I don't like how you have the man cannons at the bottom and they just shoot the ball back up automatically. It takes the fun out of missing the ball and having to start all over again.

    Overall a pretty nice take on the whole idea. Why did you choose 7 points for each goal? Why not 5 or 3? Just saying. I also think you should have lined the back with wall colosseums. That way you don't have to stare at the trees and rocks in the background. I would like to see some make a more traditional table. Great job non the less.
    #19 x DREAM 76 x, Sep 7, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2011
  20. B0B

    B0B Forerunner

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    I never imagined a Forge Pinball game. This is a really cool idea and it gives the grid a nice look and a clever use. Very curious about the point system.

    Having a channel for the initial ball launch like someone mentioned above would be a cool add-on and easy enough to do too.

    I must download this. Lots of potential here :)

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