Looming Towers

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by isntnoobspellednewb, May 16, 2008.

  1. isntnoobspellednewb

    Senior Member

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    Map Title: Looming Towers
    made by ibeBReakinBALLS - A remake of his colliseum

    Download Map
    compatible with any slayer, ctf, oddball, assualt gametype.

    This map is a remake of the first map I made on forge. My friends and I played the piss outta the first one, but it had many problems, so i decided to make a new version of it but keep the same basic layout.

    this screen shows the two bases. Sign A points the the attackers base, sign B points to the defenders base.
    These are in the same place as the last map, but now there is a hole that drops down and connects the two bases.
    this adds speed and craziness to the game that the first map didnt have
    This is the ledge in between the bases where the laser is located and where the sword was originally located. In the original lasers were located on both sides which was what my friends adored about it, but sometimes the person who got to their laser first often won the game, but the sword was underused. So I put a single laser but with much more cover than the sword had.

    The sword has been moved to the back.
    The Man cannons are also newly revamped. In the first, a man cannon only took you to one side, the other side was reached by two gravity lifts, making it harder to get to, this made that side used rarely and often only when you spawned there. Also in the screen you can see a ledge in the back that connect the two sides, this wasn't featured in the first but i thought it needed something back there. Also shown is the sniper bunkers located on each side directly across from each other.<BR>
    heres more
    The sniper rooms in the original were cramped and barely effective, but the new ones provide enough room for a full-fledged battle to take place in there, This is a reason why when you play any assualt game on this map, the bases are in the sniper bunkers. Provides for great fun. Please add me as a friend if you like, im always looking for new people to play halo with, mainly forged maps.
    #1 isntnoobspellednewb, May 16, 2008
    Last edited: May 16, 2008
  2. BarkusTheMan 1

    BarkusTheMan 1 Ancient
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    woah! this looks really awesome. It's really cool how it's like a big building surrounding the middle section. great job! however, you didn't use any interlocking. i'm not sure if you know how to interlock, but it looks like it would be advisable for the window panel part especially. learn how to interlock here http://www.forgehub.com/forum/showthread.php?t=973 great job anyway!
    #2 BarkusTheMan 1, May 16, 2008
    Last edited: May 16, 2008
  3. Pro NZ Assassin

    Pro NZ Assassin Ancient
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    oh kwl, looks alryt
  4. isntnoobspellednewb

    Senior Member

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    thanks, i had no idea about interlocking, now i know.
  5. Cato IV

    Cato IV Ancient
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    it looks like an **** of manncannons(not necesarily a bad thing)
  6. isntnoobspellednewb

    Senior Member

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    haha there are 3 man cannons shooting the most important areas of the map, the tops of both sides and the laser in between. but there also 4 gravity lifts, two of which send you to the laser mancannon, and the other two make the tunnel under the bases versitle, in that you can drop down to the tunnel but also go back up to the bases, all the lifts have reasons for being in the map, except for the 2 gravs that go the laser mancannon, that just looks cool
  7. OnlyMaximumv

    OnlyMaximumv Ancient
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    looks great for not using interlocking
    (there are a lot of other tricks in forge send me a FR on xbox live and i can teach you some more words are great but examples are better;)
  8. hiddenninja17

    hiddenninja17 Ancient
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    looks like a lot of fun, i can see myself pwning some unexpecting newbs on this map
  9. isntnoobspellednewb

    Senior Member

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  10. Awkward Silence

    Awkward Silence Ancient
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    Hey, I played this with you, and I gotta say, I didn't like it. The man cannons frequently fail to put you on the walls, and when you finally get up there, its just not fun. You run around, usually falling off by accident, and then get killed by random people who somehow found the sword or the rocket launcher that is apparently impossible to get to. Look, I don't mean to be too harsh, but the map just isn't functional and as a result of that, isnt fun. The good thing is that you had an excellent concept. I haven't seen any other maps built like a courtyard. Keep the general concept, lower the walls, make the map more complex than just a launching pad, and try again. Try getting OnlyMaximumv to help you. He'll show you cool things to do. Don't worry.

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