Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details This is a new gametype I created, it is based off of the power slayer variant, but it has only 2 available powerups. If you are to kill another player with a headshot, your speed is increased to 300% speed level, which decreases your ability to aim, but also increases your likeliness to be shot. The other powerup is, if you kill another player with grenades, then you will receive an additional grenade. In my honest opinion, the best map to play this game mode on is Reflection, and also possibly Boardwalk. Please get back to me, download and send me a game invite pretty much now, my gamertag is xxunde4dfe4rxx. By the way the links above are for screenshots because I don't know how to post screenshots. Anyway, thanks and enjoy the game!
How does this have anything to do with swat? In swat you get 0 grenades. Maybe you could call it Speed Slayer or Bonus Slayer? Just some suggestions.