Upcoming Projects: Sirius, Mesa, Caprica, Paragon

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Heptagons, Sep 4, 2011.

  1. Heptagons

    Heptagons Forerunner

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    Sirius (1v1, 2v2, 4v4)
    Status: Beta testing

    Sirius is a relatively small, asymmetrical, vertical 1v1, 2v2 (or 4v4, in extreme cases) map built near the ocean end of the Montana region in Forge World. I used the natural landscape to roughly inform some of the vertical elements of the design.

    I wanted to incorporate more of the natural landscape, but it became difficult due to the large height variations. In any case, I'm still fairly happy with the way the overall idea turned out.

    The map is in a rough L-shape with two teleporter lines which take you to alternate sides of the map (i.e. left goes to right, right goes to left). Learning these routes is key to map control and out-thinking your opponent.

    There are (currently) two drop spawn Snipers on the map. One at the very bottom and one on the high platform near top middle. These weapons kick total ass in competent hands on this map. Controlling them is very important should you want to win.

    In its current state, it excels for Oddball and King (playtesting has been huge fun), though I think Flag will also work nicely with at least one Teleporter line disabled.


    More screenshots:

    Mesa (1v1, 2v2, 4 player FFA)
    Status: Alpha testing

    I make no bones about it; this map is directly inspired by one of NeXn's maps called Zen. He made the bulk of the map using 2x2 banks and brace large. I've gone for a similar approach in terms of object usage, switching the banks for steep ramps. The design is completely my own. It's an asymm built for 1v1, 2v2 and (perhaps) 4v4, though I'm extremely skeptical about the latter.

    Unfortunately, the first iteration of the map suffered from some fairly noticable lag in split screen (it's fine without), due to the fact that there are probably around 100 or so lights throughout the map. In order to address this I built an updated version replacing the steep ramps (which have lights) with block 2x3 and 2v4. It's not as pretty, but it performs much better in split screen.


    More screenshots:

    Caprica (2v2, 4v4)
    Status: Alpha testing

    I've seen TimmyPanic's amazing remake of Citadel. It inspired me to try my hand at something similar, with my own twist. The aim with this map was to cleanly forge a reimagination (not a remake) of Citadel on a slightly smaller scale, with the lowest object density possible, in order to allow the map to play perfectly as a 2v2 on split screen. The layout is essentially the same as the original, but the structure is considerably different in a few areas, due to the shrunken scale.

    I'm very happy to report that the map performs perfectly in split screen, so I consider my personal mission accomplished.


    More screenshots:

    Paragon (2v2, 3v3, 4v4)
    Status: Alpha testing

    This map was inspired by the layout of the central courtyard area of an upcoming map called Terrace by Major Li R. Andum. I basically took his slightly unusual dimensions for the courtyard, modified them beyond recognition, moved to the ocean area between the island and Montana, and built a new map around this central idea, replacing the tree/grass/rock areas with death pits.

    This then developed into two distinct structures, connected only by a narrow pathway in the centre. I carried on designing and building it with this in mind and then ended up adding two extra connections next to the grav lifts on each side to help with flow.

    The map is small, symmetrical and specifically built for 2v2 Slayer or 3v3 Flag. As with most of my maps, I think it's too small for 4v4 but it may work.


    More screenshots:

    Just add me on XBL if you're interested in getting involved in the playtest sessions for any of these. GT: Heptagons
  2. Julenissen666

    Julenissen666 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Mesa looks awesome. It kinda reminds me of prisoner from Halo CE.
    And Paragon looks pretty cool too.
    I would love to beta test the maps :)
  3. availablemoth

    availablemoth Forerunner

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    I would say that out of all of these sirius caught my attention the most. From the pictures I am digging the height variations, and your use of the natural environment. Just a question, how many ways up to top control? It was kinda hard to tell from the pics. Anyways, if you want to add me on XBL(availablemoth) I would be more than happy to help you test these maps out.
  4. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
    Senior Member

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    How are you not a known forger yet? These maps look amazing. I'd even say this is on the level of Longshot or Noxiw. Send me an invite if you'd like to test any of the maps. My GT is to the left of my post.
  5. CyborgAnthro

    CyborgAnthro Forerunner

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    Caprica looks especially good. I've been wanting to do a mini-version of a map myself for a while and citadel is an awesome choice. Sirius also looks solid, and I have a tip for it: supposedly if you merge the capture plate into the ground, the flag will sometimes spawn off the the plate for some reason. If you aren't having that problem then no worries. I still have the issue even when I don't merge it so who knows, maybe there's some other cause... I look forward to seeing these. Also, very impressive first map preview.
  6. Heptagons

    Heptagons Forerunner

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    Thanks for all the comments guys.

    Thanks man! Yeah, I can see where you're coming from with comparing Mesa to Prisoner. Hadn't really thought of that myself, it's a little less 'roomy' than Prisoner, but it's still quite vertical. I'll send you an FR if you're cool with that.

    Gracias man. On Sirius, there are two routes up to top control on Blue side. Same story on Red side (though top is actually at different heights depending upon which side). One teleporter line takes you directly from Red top to Blue top and vice-versa. The other takes you from Red base to Blue base and vice-versa. This is the one I'll be disabling for Flag games, otherwise they could be rather boring. :) I'll send you an FR later today/tonight.

    Thanks for the words of encouragement, 4shot (and those are pretty strong words). In answer to your question; I don't really know, but it could be related to the fact that I'm yet to officially release any maps. I guess my anonymity will come to an end once I push some of these towards release. I'll send you an FR/message on XBL later.

    Thanks Cyborg. Lol. Caprica is pretty much the only map out of these that no-one has paid any attention to, wherever I post it. I'm glad I've found someone who appreciates it, or at least the idea behind it.

    Regarding the Capture Plates on Sirius: I only use them for Oddball and I haven't noticed any problems in this regard (I always use Flag Stands for Flags). Having said that, the map is still in the early stages of gametype testing, so I'll probably modify these things just in case, whilst I'm setting it up for the next round of playtests. Thanks for the heads up!
  7. Julenissen666

    Julenissen666 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    yeah thats cool, but I wont be on xbox live till the weekend.
  8. Heptagons

    Heptagons Forerunner

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    Apologies for the delayed response. No worries man. There's no big rush. Playtesting is ongoing for the next few weeks. I'll catch up with you at some point.

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