Alas, two ideas, two simple, yet complex, ideas. Which one shall I choose? What I am planning to put in Hanger: 1.Spirit Drop Ship, aesthetically nice, and low budget. 2.Various "Matryoshka Dolls" spread around the map. 3.Small or Medium sized. 4.No map geometry in the map. 5.*(NEEDS MOAR IDEAS)* What I am planning to put in Halo Museum: 1.Pelican, Spirit, Phantom 2.Sabre? 3.Will budget allow for all of this??? What do you guys think?Should I build a aesthetic, unplayable Halo Museum? Or playable, aesthetic, Hanger? Multiple pictures of my spirit dropship that I've built:
Building a piece for display is nice, but it would be more rewarding to build a playable map. Remember though that if you do build a playable map this is only part of it, you have to have inspiration and planning for the rest. If it is just a generic area around a spirit dropship people won't enjoy it no matter how cool the ship is.
Im planning to build it inspired by the hanger in Truth and Reconsilliation. But I just might make it into something else, such as a Covenant ship building yard, or something along those lines.
Do both. But the playable hanger first. And I don't think there are multiple pictures of your ship, there's only
Two is a multiple. I think you should make an aesthetic, unplayable hangar, and then redesign it as a multiplayer space. Then you can have two maps!
Might want to consider using curved wall pieces for the ship by the way. Just looks too blocky. Spoiler
I really like the ship. I do agree with Skisma. You want make sure the playable portion of your map is done first then aesthetics. What would be cool is if forge had the ability to save custom items as a separate object file and import them into your map later. That's how we did it in the old days of mapping for Quake II and Quake III Arena. With forge however I find that the steps to a final map are much more important because of that and because of limited resources. You may start building your map now and realize that you are short on something you need due to the ships construction. Just a thought. UncleNuttzie