
Discussion in 'Reach Race Maps' started by CoookkieMonster, Sep 5, 2011.

  1. CoookkieMonster

    CoookkieMonster Ancient

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    Welcome to my newest racetrack, Xxplosive. It is an extremely fun map that is based around exploding fusion coil traps. There's tons of fusion coils that can mess you up at all parts of the track, which causes some insane racing. The scenery is an industrial park/scrapyard theme on an island with cranes, vehicles, buildings, piles of rubble, and more. It's a long map, with a lap time well over 2:00 minutes! So please download this map and have some fun!

    A jump in the middle of the map
    Active Forklift with smokestacks in background
    Tractor Trailer with items falling out the back
    Dumptruck with hazard lights on
    Beginning hill through a cave
    Dock with boat and main building
    Split section at the end showing both routes
    One of the many fusion coil traps

    Check out the youtube video here: Halo Reach Racetrack- Xxplosive - YouTube
    #1 CoookkieMonster, Sep 5, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2011
  2. FlotownHockey

    FlotownHockey Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    The aesthetics on this map are sick! I didn't even notice the smoke stacks until I watched the video. Very good idea, keep up the good work:D
  3. Moccabeast

    Moccabeast Forerunner

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    At first, nice to see that you are making map again coookiie ;)
    I love to play on this map cause it*s a cool idea, it has an awesome scenery and the gameplay is fine. But one thing i noticed is that the last section is not as smooth and interesting as the rest of the map. Perhaps you have no money leftl But overall it's a great map! Make more maps !!!! :)

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