
Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by Omega v2o, Sep 2, 2011.

  1. Omega v2o

    Omega v2o Forerunner

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    If any of you have gotten to know me throughout Halo 3, then one of the first things you'd learn would be my Erebus map series. They were a group of six forged houses, kind of like Haunted Manor on steroids. All six took the basics of Haunted manor (a house that zombies try to infiltrate and kill all inhabitants) and improve on the idea, finding and fixing all of the flaws of Haunted Manor, and making House Defense Infection maps fun to play on for both humans and zombies. Unlike the Erebus maps from Halo 3, this map only requires the basic, installed infection gametypes in order to work. This is very nice because you don't have to download two things, and it saves me file share space.

    First the map: Erebus

    When survivors of a terrible crash took refuge in an abandoned house, they realized the crash was only the start. 8-16p.

    • Tuesday: 1:35 pm
    We're only 13 miles from our destination point, which is a UNSC fortress, but our plane is experiencing some engine problems. Sadly we're right on the edge of the mountain range so if we crash, we would have to wait a while before anyone would find us. We're currently flying over a large lake, so hopefully our engine can make it.
    • Tuesday: 2:15 pm
    What we had feared just occured. Our engine just shut right down. We tried to start it back up, but without success. We're definitely going down, but at least we see land, so we're not going to sink in water. This isn't good though, we're going extremely fast and in this terrain, there's no such thing as a soft landing.
    • Tuesday: 4:10 pm
    Out of the 50 marines on the plane, only 14 of us survived. We're all suffering injuries, and we're right on the edge of a large body of water. This region is completely unchecked of rebel activites and we got nothing about whether or not anyone lives here. Hopefully we can find some sort of shelter before night.
    • Tuesday: 5:24 pm
    Right before all hope was gone, we find shelter! It looks like a large, two story house. Whether or not anyone lives there is still under question, but that doesn't matter right now, we found shelter and that's all that counts. Tomorrow, we're probably gonna set up a communication center and try getting contact with the Fortress.
    • Tuesday: 7:46 pm
    We're all set up for the night, the house turned out to be abandoned. Strangely though, something doesn't seem quite right about the house though, I gotta bad feeling in my gut. It's starting to get dark though, and it's too late to be wondering questions like that.
    • Tuesday: 11:13 pm
    Corporal Steven just got ripped to shreds! We're under attack by what appears to be flood! There's so many of them and they just keep going and going! They're appearing from all angles and it's a nightmare just trying to keep them out of the house, let alone stopping them when they get in!
    • Wednesday 12:00 am
    Out of the 14 of us, 5 have fallen to the zombies. Under further analysis, there's no way these things are flood. These are old-fashion, eat your brains Zombies. We got our combat engineer double-timing that communication array and luckily he's almost done. Hopefully we'll survive to see it completed.
    • Wednesday 12:30 am
    Two more have fallen to the zombies, but the communications array is completed. We just contacted the Fortress and we have only a little bit longer until evac arrives. Zombies, though, are flooding through our doors, no longer can we stop the zombies from entering the house, now we just gotta defend a small area, there's just too many! Oh crap, they just got our engineer and are dragging him to the other room! Oh, please hurry guys, I'm not sure if we're gonna ma . . .

    Ok, for those of you who skipped over the story and want to get to the substance of the map, here are pictures for you to look at.
    This is the living room, the biggest room in the house
    This is the door system, a one way barrier with a small window on the side
    This is the Kitchen, Has a table, chairs, and sinks off to the side
    This is a view of the house from behind, pretty basic, it does have a small deck
    This is a view of the house from the front, it is much more elaborate than than the back
    Now for an overview so you can get a better idea of the house. Basically zombie spawn all around it.

    For those who are not yet satified, I got two in-depth videos. One is of the layout of the map, the other is of how gameplay generally goes on it for its first test which was a success. These videos are rendered and you can easily watch them both by clicking the file set tab on the Erebus DL link.

    That's all there is for the map, hopefully I can get some feedback on how it plays out for you or something of that sort. Things you've all found playing on the map. I still have budget and lots of objects to work with so anything feedback can be put to good use.

    -OMEGA V2O-First post in ForgeHub :D

    #1 Omega v2o, Sep 2, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2011
  2. RedNeck

    RedNeck Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Your thread is not up to standards. You need to embed at least one picture of the map into the post or this thread will be locked. You will be given sufficient time to make the changes.
  3. Omega v2o

    Omega v2o Forerunner

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    Ok thanks for the heads up, that would've been bad if I didn't know. I never embedded or heard of embedding before, considering I never worked with pictures outside of posting links in ads to them. I got them embedded now so all should be good :)
    #3 Omega v2o, Sep 5, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2011
  4. mcclintonsl

    mcclintonsl Forerunner

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    Looks awesome but I'd suggest slighly lowering or raising the floor and ceiling pieces to stop that flickering. It ruins the feel of the map that you have obviously worked so hard on, by making you remember your looking at a forge map. It can also contribute to frame rate lag.
    #4 mcclintonsl, Sep 13, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2011
  5. ProQ

    ProQ Forerunner

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    Wheres the game type at? This seems like a great zombies map. And I'd love to play this with my friends, the map looks great.
  6. 12qwazx

    12qwazx Forerunner

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    If it doesn't have one you can use the defalt.

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