Up Hill Both Ways When I way your age... This is Doomreaper13 back to once again bring you a masterpiece of forging. This map is a Big Team Slayer, Capture The Flag, and Stockpile map. I put oodles of time into this map perfecting every portion of it, especially the spawns and killzones. This map isn't crouded but isn't too open. Yes the bridge has inclines of up to 45 degrees which makes it hard to drive vehicles up it, but it is far from impossible.There is a center drop down, 6 gravlifts, 2 discreet shotgun tunnels, and yes 2 falcons. Now im going to stop rambling off random **** about the map to move on to the screenshots. I look forward to all of your constructive criticism.
This is a really fun map to play on. It looks like a simple layout but has a lot of intricacy to it. An example would be repeatedly hopping after taking the mancannon to cross the entire top of the map. You can also jump off the top of the map just right and not take any damage if you land on the slope. The little shotgun area is also a good place to snipe from. Would be a great map for big team battle.
Wow it has been a long time i have been on forgehub. I should have reposted earlier. I must now add a special thanks to rockyruss5569 and Wheels36 for finding a way to get a warthog everywhere i didn't want them to. I changed one part of the map and added assault gametype also. By the way i have heard a LOT of people thinking the falcon would be to overpowering but after 10 hours of playtesting no such problem has been found.
Reminds me of an old, olllllllld Unreal Tournament 2k4 map that used to be popular...loved that map; I'll give this a dl!
Looks pretty cool, although the forging seems pretty basic, I'm sure the gameplay will be great. Will test out with some friends later on.
Interesting Bridge styled map and I like how its big team battle and uses that large cliff in the back of the Gluch but I was wondering about the tunnels under the bridge because I saw some holes but I have no idea what they are can you add more photos? Also the name sounds good but long, a catchy title can sometimes attract attention like maps are called Powerhouse or Heretic or whatever ( plus its more likely to make matchmaking if thats what your looking for. I suggest simply the name, "Uphill" its simple and labels your map, anyway good work I also would suggest adding a second floor as there isn't much stuff as I noticed you added partial platorm but its small, try making many different routes across your map it helps.
Actually the pictures you asked for are the two pictures of the shotgun which go under thee map and there is also ways to fly across the map very easily if you keep jumping as soon as you hit the ground when taking the grav lifts. I have put about 10 hours of playtesting this map with a LOT of people and movement has fairely unrestricted. and the name while long is catchy and creative so i'm going to keep it for now. And i almost forgot the center drop down thru the middle of the dish.