Guardian and MLG Guardian Guardian is the one from halo3. It does have exact spawns and exact spawns timing for each weapon if you used to be good at guardian, you will be good on my remake. Not much is different other then the color. By the way you can do g1 to g2 jump. just jump into the corner. Invite me if you ever want to play customs on this map i would love to. Shot at 2011-09-03 Shot at 2011-09-03 Shot at 2011-09-03 Shot at 2011-09-03 Shot at 2011-09-03 Shot at 2011-09-03 Shot at 2011-09-03 Shot at 2011-09-03 Shot at 2011-09-03 Shot at 2011-09-03 Shot at 2011-09-03 Shot at 2011-09-03 [br][/br]Edited by merge: please comment and tell me how to improve it. MLG Guardian v2 is here CeRTiFiED This MLG version has some differences and features exacty what was in halo 3. Just make MLG ball and play.
Hey nice remake man it gives a gurdian feel though there is no trees and stuff but thats not your fault so thats one o' the best guardian remakes ive seen
thanks for the comments my version 4 will have better object placement there is no lag but the floor seems weird, so ill will be fixing that up. Also in v4 MLG settings will be made as long as i have the v8 MLG guardian. I will use the weapon timing and weapon placements and put that exactly how it was in halo 3. Also if i were to make trees i would. =) [br][/br]Edited by merge: guardian v4 is going to be up in about an hour while im now editing the map to be able to play MLG V8 in halo3 [br][/br]Edited by merge: : Halo Reach : File Details CeRTiFiED thats the MLG version