I was messing around putting download links for the btb gametypes up on kiparis and I noticed the images were just defined by a single number change at the end. I was curious so I tried changing it and it turns out there are 39 gametype images. and I have no clue what they are. Guess away. Please note that since forge is the last image, all these were most likely planned but never implemented assuming they were added in order. I'm not going to go into all the reasons they would need to be added in order.
VIP "GIVE ME MOAR MONIEZ" Football "BOOM, headshot" "All your base are belongs to us." regeneration slayer something about castles arrow game forge wars? billiards? or maybe a pool game i like to call "****". something involving big guns reverse arrow game some game where you get ammo for kills... oh wait isn't that in CoD? [br][/br]Edited by merge: also they can't be considered "removed" if they were never used in the first place... other than VIP of course
Vip? Action sack prototype. B4 they Realized Haloball can be more then soccer. Insane gametypes.(which all insane gametypes use eliminating the need for more gametype pictures) Elite slayer(it's the symbol on covy weapons) There my educated guesses. Just because there unused atm they could be used to differentiate the TU playlists or If 343i makes any other gametypes in Halo reach
Good find, it's fun to try and think what these could be used for. Some of them are obvious as to what they used to be, or could have been. Others aren't. Like: or However: ^Could be the old picture for race, or perhaps it's actually a picture originally intended for rally before Rally changed. ^Kinda looks like a sniper scope and the scope on a target locator. Perhaps a gametype using TL's was planned? I have no idea.
I'm just guessing that a few, if not a lot, of these are fillers for if they were to come out with a lot of new things. I think that they were not for designated gametypes that were scrapped, but were there for possible future use and there is some reason to why they couldn't add the icons later on. Why would they do it? What if they weren't there when the action sack update came out? What would Insane gametypes use? Would be kinda weird if something like Hockey had something like a territories icon above it. This is assuming that there is a reason to why more icons couldn't be added to the game.
That makes sense, but uploading a new image would be as simple as well, uploading it. Where's hpkm when we need him?
lol@peopleberratingmeforcallingitfootball but i could have sworn that i heard something in an article about forge wars and i thought to myself how that would turn out...
That's really cool. I think I might have a use for them all, too. I also noticed that a few of them are objective markers in campaign and firefight, such as the ammo one and one of the shield icons. Hm... Really great find!
I just remembered the second to last one is for firefight. I have no idea about the others but that again points towards all these being added in the beginning for some purpose then being deleted.