Forgehub Playlist?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by EpicChief117, Sep 4, 2011.

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  1. EpicChief117

    EpicChief117 Forerunner

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    Doesn't anyone think that most of the maps on this site (about 60%) beat most of the maps on MM. This is why i suggest a Forgehub Playlist. It should include the 5 most recent FHF maps and consist of Slayer and Objective gametypes.
  2. TheOlympusPrime

    TheOlympusPrime Forerunner

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    Dude, I have to say yes. This is a grand idea. But sometimes mini games get into FHF, and they usuallly consist getting about 16 kills per round, or no kills per round. So, it would have to be Slayer/Objective Maps only.
  3. EpicChief117

    EpicChief117 Forerunner

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    yeah. But for the minigame maps, they should be added to action sack to give the people who forge minigame maps a chance at MM fame.
  4. TheOlympusPrime

    TheOlympusPrime Forerunner

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    True, but the credits would probaly have to be very low, for the sake of not boosting.
  5. EpicChief117

    EpicChief117 Forerunner

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    Yes. Also, no slot machine jackpots.
  6. DUCK NG

    DUCK NG Forerunner
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    The specifics to your suggestion I wouldn't really want (a "forgehub" playlist), but I would like to see a slayer/objective (combined in 1 playlist) with only forge made maps. I think that would be pretty fun, and interesting just to be able to play on many good forge maps on a consistent basis. If it was 1 local player only it would allow for many more maps, as most posted here are not made to be split screen compatible. Hence why they cannot be included in matchmaking as it currently stands.

    I don't see something like this happening at least not in any short order. My reasoning, the MLG playlist hasn't even been updated in like 2 months. Also a "forgehub playlist" would imply that forgehub is the only place with good forge maps, and is thus superior to all other forge sites/groups, which is not the case. My final objection to your post is the 60% part. I don't think 60% of the maps here are better than MM, 60% of the maps posted here probably can't even be played split-screen.
  7. EpicChief117

    EpicChief117 Forerunner

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    So MLG is the most superior competitive MM group? Forgehub is the only forge site that has next to none of its good maps in MM. Sites like Reaching Perfection have tons of maps on MM.
  8. DUCK NG

    DUCK NG Forerunner
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    I wouldn't say it's the superior competitive mm group, as I don't see MLG as a mm group really. But it's play list is one of the most frequently updated community driven playlists, as they update settings and maps. Thus it was the best example I could think of in a comparison to what was originally posted.

    As far as the second part, they also have many less maps created, many of which were specifically designed for mm. Also as far as I know forgehub had no dedicated cartographer, although I believe a few did browse/visit here. Getting a map into matchmaking required not only building a good map, but also being built to certain constraints, and having the right connections. A good example of a map posted here in mm is Precipice.
  9. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Is this because we make such amazing maps all the time?
  10. EpicChief117

    EpicChief117 Forerunner

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    yes. Even though some maps might not meet the standards, most of the maps on Forgehub certainately beat MM maps.
  11. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    ..That was Sarcasm.
  12. Security

    Security Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Notice how Forgehub was the only Forge related affiliate. Also notice how Forgehub is the only Forge related community link on Notice how hardly any Forgehub maps are in MM.
  13. Skisma

    Skisma Creative Force
    Senior Member

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    I think this would be a good idea, but it doesn't have to consist of only FHF maps.
  14. Overdoziz

    Overdoziz Untitled
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    As long as I don't have to play the awful maps that were in the Community Slayer playlist. I've seen a lot of maps of similar quality on here too, though.
  15. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
    Senior Member

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    guess what?

    it will never happen, no matter how good of an idea you all think it is.
  16. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    There are plenty of other good maps, and most of those on Forge Hub are terrible. In fact most are worse than the worst maps in Matchmaking.

    I always wonder why only people with mediocre/bad maps go around saying Forge Hub should have its own playlist.

    Edit: Why did you have to ninja me at being the party pooper titmar?
  17. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    This thread is so full of failwin. Yes, failwin. Things that fail so hard they win.

    Every community, for the most part, has an equal amount of good and bad maps. The ratios are fairly consistent. Following this logic, you'd think that being the largest forging site by tens of times would mean we have the largest say in the matter. Thanks to several individuals who wrongly felt themselves more important than our image, we lost credibility with Bungie. Take that and throw in a few personal grudges from a late administrator and we get denied entry into the old Community Cartographers. So we have no say in that matter anymore.

    Basically, the quickest way to hurt 70,000 people is to speak as if what you say is their opinion as well, which is what you are doing. We do not have this magical 60% ration (although, I'd say we are at least 20% cooler overall.) Nobody does, there is no site superior in terms of quality, only quantity.

    So much failwin.
  18. Spawn of Saltine

    Senior Member

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    You forgot to mention that the FHF's aren't always good maps. More often than not an average map wins it.
  19. Frozenlynx

    Frozenlynx Forerunner

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    I'm sorry, but for every good map on this site you have to wade through at least 10 terrible ones that make you want to throw you controller to the ground in a fit of rage. If there was a playlist for any Forge website's most recently submitted maps, we would only be flooded by even more ****-tastic maps full of people wanting their map to be the most recent one so it can be played.
  20. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Ancient

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    If it ever happened there would be endless bickering about who's map made it in and who's didn't. Lots of forgers here that can design a good map turn around and say all of bungie's maps are ****. If I were bungie or 343, that wouldn't make me want to create such a playlist. I would just pick whatever maps I like and add them in normal matchmaking.

    I think if a lot of people here weren't so insistent about the fact they know what makes a good map and the developer doesn't, forgehub would get a lot more attention. Its all about attitude, people. Who gets maps in matchmaking? people who just love the game, and make cool maps that are fun to play on. Not people that ***** about how much paradiso sucks and how ****ing stupid it is that pinnacle is in swat and how those assholes that made this game we all love know absolutely nothing about making a game. HUH?

    see what I mean? its about tone and attitude, people. Not to mention respect. I would bet my xbox this is the main reason forgehub maps don't make it into matchmaking very often. No one wants to talk to 99 know-it-all jerkoffs to meet one nice guy with a good map.
    #20 IH8YourGamerTag, Sep 4, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2011
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