Ensemble- Supports all MLG game types Weapon List: 1 Sniper - 120 Sec 1 Evade ability - 1 sec 1 Granade Launcher - 180 sec 2 DMR - 30 sec 4 Needle Rifle - 3 sec 4 Sticky granades 1 Active Camo - 120 sec Please Give Me Feebback
This is not up to forgehub standards, you have 24 hrs to post some pics and a brief description of the map if you dont then this thread will be locked. If you don't know how to post pics then go and click on this link: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-reach-custom-content/104926-how-post-screenshots.html it will show you step by step on how to do it.
Locked. PM me when you want to fix the map up to standards. These standards include: A thread thumbnail showing your map A description Pictures (at least 3 recommended) Any other information you would like to include A screenshot posting guide is found at the link below. http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-reach-custom-content/104926-how-post-screenshots.html