Map Aspects This is a partial recreation of a real world fort, Old Fort Erie, from Ontario Canada. It was the site of Canada's bloodiest battle to date which took place in the war of 1812 between the Irish Republic and Canadian forces. Fort Erie was the first British fort to be constructed as part of a network developed after the Seven Years' War (or in the United States the French and Indian War) was concluded by the Treaty of Paris (1763) at which time all of New France had been ceded to Great Britain. It is located on the southern edge of the Town of Fort Erie, Ontario, directly across the Niagara River from Buffalo, New York. I took some liberties to make game play a bit easier to move around and a bit more fun. Weapons 4 x DMR 2 x Shotgun 2 x Grenade Launcher (Reduced Clip) 2 x Sniper Rifle (Reduced Clip) 2 x Plasma Pistol 2 x Needle Rifle 2 x Concussion Rifle 2 x Needler 1 x Energy Sword 2 x Chaingun Turrets Vehicles 2 x Warthog Chaingun (Team Only) 4 x Mongoose (Team Only) 1 x Pink Mongoose (For every game type) In honor of my wife GT: Malakai Pink Special thanks to GT: CUPPINCAKEZ for helping out, playtesting, and feedback. Screenshots Spoiler
Dude, I am not that far from Fort Erie btw and plus I do live in Buffalo, New York myself and finally someone that made a map that's based on American history lol and plus is near my hometown. You deff get a download my friend for building something that is close to me and plus part of history near my hometown too =)
Thank you! This map is probably very open on one side but I wanted to see how a map based on real world location would play out.